Miss Quinn's Quandary

Free Miss Quinn's Quandary by Shirley Marks

Book: Miss Quinn's Quandary by Shirley Marks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shirley Marks
to feel every emotion from the performers. Tears spilled onto her
cheeks as the hero professed his forbidden love to the heroine.
    Randall noted his uncle’s attention was directed not toward the
stage, but off to the left. Raising his own glass, Randall took a second,
closer look to the left the dowager viscountess . Just
to her right, struggling to sit upright was Larissa.
    The dim theater light glinted off her golden hair. Her bright
eyes glimmered in the dark. She covered her yawn with the back of her right
hand. The opera obviously held the same interest for her as it did for him.
    After a random search of the lower level, Larissa’s wandering
gaze drifted to the upper tier. She stopped when she met Randall’s conspicuous
stare. Randall lowered his glasses. What Larissa’s first theater experience
lacked in musical entertainment, it compensated for in personal pleasure.
    Larissa did not look away. Her inquiring eyes were hidden in the
semidarkness. Had Randall nodded off, she could have easily studied him without
him noticing as she had during the first half of the evening.
    His eyes were blacker than the night. His hair was almost blue in
the darkness. The lines of his face, sculpted by the shadows, that face she
knew so well was as handsome as she remembered.
    Why did he need to behave so rudely toward her? Was it because of
their first meeting? Perhaps if they had a proper introduction, things between them would be different. There was no use in wishing for
something she could not have. But if he had not cared for her, why did he stare
at her so?

Chapter Ten
    After the final curtain, Randall and his uncle left their box for
the ball. The one thing Randall would definitely not do was disappoint his
uncle. Although he dreaded the upcoming event as much as he imagined his uncle
looked forward to it.
    When they arrived, Rushton charged to the dowager’s side. It was
all too clear to Randall that the rest of the room vanished from their sight.
If his uncle wanted the dowager viscountess as his
new countess, Randall would do his utmost to make it come about. He would be
the model escort for Larissa, regardless of his personal opinion of her.
    Randall turned to address Larissa. He knew she no more cared to
dance with him than he with her. However, tonight, he would be more than happy
to partner her—for his uncle’s sake.
    Without a word, Larissa accepted. He led her onto the dance
floor. There she smiled. Trying to present a positive image to the viscountess , Randall thought. At least they could agree on
that one item. Or so he hoped.
    At the end of the set, Randall took Larissa on his arm toward her
aunt, giving a pleasant smile of his own. “I don’t want you ruining their happiness,”
he voiced in threatening tones.
    “Me? If anyone is a killjoy it is you.”
    “Miss Quinn, if we were not in public, I certainly would take
delight in….”
    “What? In what?” Her eyes blazed in fury, never losing her
cadence in step beside him.
    “Take great joy in bending you over my knee and disciplining you
like the spoiled brat you are.” He held his false smile in place.
    “Spoiled brat?” she gasped and spit back. “You indulgent prig.”
    “Undisciplined wench.”
    “Arrogant wastrel.”
    “Cheeky chit.”
    “Pretentious fop.” Another step brought them in the company of
Rushton and Viscountess Claiborne.
    “I can see you two are getting along splendidly,” the dowager
    “Oh, yes. Famously,” Larissa agreed, her glacial eyes upon
    “Quite famously,” Randall seconded.
    “Did I not tell you, my sweet?” Rushton reassured his amour,
soothing any doubts she may have harbored.
    “I am so very glad you were right, as always.” She patted
Rushton’s hand and disengaged her arm from his. “If you gentlemen will excuse
us. I wish to speak to my niece alone for a moment.” She turned Larissa to one
side and took a few steps away.
    “Would you mind if I were to leave you in Sir

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