Royal Love

Free Royal Love by John Simpson

Book: Royal Love by John Simpson Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Simpson
wouldn’t be disappointed in my decision.”
    “Darren, that’s totally up to you. You’ve served your country, though you’re the son of a president, and that makes a statement all by itself.” Victoria paused. “About Michael, are you serious about him?”
    “Yeah, Mom, he might be the one for me, you know, for life. He’s everything I’d want in a husband. Him being royal doesn’t hurt either, because I get to visit all these cool castles as his guest.”
    “That’s not the main reason though, is it, honey?”
    “No, Mom, the main reason is I love him, and he loves me. We’re both VIPs, so we know neither of us is social-climbing. I’m sure you don’t want me to get into the nitty-gritty details of our relationship, so trust me when I say I want him.”
    “No, dear, that’s personal between you two. Let’s spend some time together while you’re over here. I mean you, Michael, and me. Okay?”
    “Sure, sounds good. About your wedding, I always knew you liked him, but I thought you might wait until you got out of office before marrying him.”
    “I decided not to put off that part of my life. I deserve some happiness too. David got married while president, so why shouldn’t I?”
    “I’m not objecting. I just meant I was surprised. I’m happy for you, you know that.”
    “Good. I can’t wait to see you and your young man. I have to run, dear, be safe.”
    “You too, Mom. Love you!”
    “I love you too, Darren.”

Chapter 7

    P RINCE M ICHAEL waited in the sitting room for his appointment with King William. After “business hours,” Michael could usually see or talk to the king with a minimum of fuss. Affairs of state had become weighty and demanded more and more of William’s time.
    “His Majesty will see you now, Your Highness,” said Lord Donnelly, the king’s secretary.
    “Thank you, my lord.”
    Michael got up and went into the office of the king.
    “Good day, Your Majesty,” Michael said.
    “Hello. I heard you had a wonderful weekend at Hampton Court with Darren.”
    “We did, thank you. We went to the Tower afterward so Darren could see the Crown Jewels.”
    “Good, I’m glad for you both. What can I do for you?”
    “Darren’s mother is getting married and has invited me to attend. She has also extended an invitation to you, Prince Harry, and the Princess. It’s assumed that your schedules will prevent you from attending.”
    “When is it?”
    “In a month’s time, in Washington, of course.”
    “Your assumption is correct. That’s right in the middle of our tour of the empire. I wish my grandmother hadn’t gotten rid of the royal yacht Britannia , as I’d much rather go to some of the places by water.”
    “May I officially represent you at the wedding, then?”
    “I don’t see why not. You’ll be there anyway, so you might as well serve in a State capacity while you’re at it. You can also deliver a wedding present from me.” William cleared his throat. “Tell me, are you and Darren getting serious?”
    “Yes, we are,” Michael said candidly. “We’re very happy together, and this weekend, we admitted our love for each other. I hope you approve.”
    “Of course, I approve, but let’s keep it low-key for now. I don’t need the press jumping on this and stirring up the Conservatives. We made marriage equality the law of the land, and there certainly have been many weddings, but a member of the royal family, well, that’s another kettle of fish altogether.”
    “I should tell you that I plan to ask him to marry me if things continue to go well for us.”
    “Really? Are you sure about this?”
    “Yes, I’m very sure. We complete each other and are right for each other on so many levels. I would desire to spend the rest of my life with him. In fact, a thought just occurred to me. If we do marry, will he get a title?”
    “He’s an American, and their law forbids an American from accepting any titles. Otherwise, I imagine, he’d be a prince

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