Cord SEAL Team Seven (Book 5)

Free Cord SEAL Team Seven (Book 5) by Jordan Silver

Book: Cord SEAL Team Seven (Book 5) by Jordan Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Silver
If Dani and Gaby could deal with Connor and Logan, I’m sure I could too. Vanessa and Vicki are a bit more street wise so they didn’t count.
    “Yes I think so, but what does that have to do with anything? Who doesn’t know you’re a control freak?” I got a growl and a nip on the edge of my jaw for that one. “That’s not what I mean. I’m a dominant in all things, including in bed, especially in bed. My life, the things I’ve done, the way I’m made; it’s the only way I can find pleasure.”
    “When I take you it won’t just be a man taking a woman to his bed. Sometimes it’s going to be rough, sometimes I’m going to do things to you that you might not understand; you’re so innocent. The things someone like me needs in bed might be too much for you unless you’re prepared.” His words were sinking in and where a few short weeks ago I would’ve found them intimidating, even a little frightening, now they heated my blood. And that burn between my legs intensified.
    “Most Doms look for subs, someone who’s already naturally compliant to their every wish. But that’s not what I want. I want to tame you, to make you mine in every sense of the word. I want all that fire and ice that runs inside your veins to belong to me, and only me.”
    I swallowed hard as I gave his words some thought. Could I ever really be that person? If wishing it alone could make it so that I was his girl, but could I really let anyone have the kind of control he described over me? It sounded like he wanted me to give myself over completely. The prospect was equally exciting and scary at the same time.
    “If you say you’re that way- that it’s the only way you can…you know.” I waved my hand between us. Shouldn’t you look for someone who’s already like that? Someone who won’t mind, who actually wants those same things?” Of course I’d have to kill him and the bitch, but the question had to be asked.
    “No I don’t want someone who’s naturally submissive, I want to make you that way; I will make you that way. I’m going to fuck you, spank you and love you my way until it becomes everything you crave.”
    “I will take you over completely, your heart, your mind, your body, they will belong to me forever. I’m going to teach you how to please me, and show you your own body’s pleasure. There will be times when you become scared, don’t, I’ll always protect you, but I will push your limits because it’s what I need to get off. Sometimes I’m gonna do you rough, hard and without tenderness. It doesn’t mean that I love you less it just means that my lust for you is strong.
    Sometimes I will do you slow and easy with all the tenderness your little heart desires. It doesn’t mean that my lust has cooled it just means that I’m reading you and it’s what you need at the time. The time will come when I will know you inside and out, your every fear and joy.
    Here’s the hard part, and the main reason for my holding back. Our life together goes way beyond sex in fact sex is just a small part of what’s going on here. I’m talking about a lifetime commitment to me, something that will not be taken lightly.
    I will control your every move, even in matters that you may think inconsequential. Some might not agree with that, with my way of doing things and you might be one of them, I don’t care. It’s what I need it’s also my way of making sure that you stay safe always. One more thing, and this, is very important. You must always be very careful to follow my orders without question or divergence.
    If you ever endanger yourself I will punish you severely. I would heed that particular warning if I were you. I guard what’s mine. No one is allowed to put you in danger, not even you.”
    He placed his hand over my heart and rubbed gently with his fingers before easing it down between my thighs and my body responded. “These will belong to me completely when I take you, there will be no way out for you.

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