Raber Wolf Pack Book One

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Book: Raber Wolf Pack Book One by Ryan Michele Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ryan Michele
Tags: Romance
your father. You are going to stay here with Stella and Thor.”
    “You can’t.” Dread washes over me. He’ll be dead before we even get the full bonding together. He can’t do this. I stand on wobbly knees, moving closer to him. “He’ll try to kill you.” I try to listen into my father, but hear nothing.
    “Zara, he can try, but it won’t happen.” Confidence oozes off of him and though one half of me believes him, the other is scared shitless. I wish I could drink it up so I didn’t feel this dread. “Enough. I have to go.” ‘ I know you’ll be listening, but whatever you hear, you do not come down. Do you understand?’
    I slowly nod my head. ‘ Good. I’ll back before you know it.’ He kisses my forehead and then dashes off.
    Thor comes around the corner and sits next to me on the couch. He grabs the remote and flicks on the television, as if it’s an everyday occurrence for my father to be outside ready to kill my mate. Shouldn’t he be out there with him?
    “Let me check you while he’s gone. It’ll give you something else to focus on,” Stella consoles, but I don’t want to. I’m too jittery and heat rises through my body along with a pounding headache, but this needs to be done.
    “Okay,” I reply and lie back on the couch, but continue listening to the thoughts of the males downstairs.
    “Give me your hands.” I follow her instructions impatiently, wanting this over with since my focus is on Xavier and not my hands.
    A gush of strong air knocks things from the walls and shelves onto the floor, smashing all around us. The curtains swing up, flopping all around, knocking the remaining items to the floor. My hair pulls tight along with my skin, following the movement of the air around us.
    Stella releases my hand as she goes flying to the other side of the room a good thirty feet, crashing into the wall with a thud. The moment of her disconnect, the wind ceases. What the hell was that? My body feels new and invigorated, headache now gone, but I don’t dwell. “Stella!” I call out, rushing over to her lying on the floor. She hit so damn hard that there is an imprint of her body on the wall clean through to the drywall. “Are you okay?”
    She gives her head a good shake like the hit knocked the wind out of her. “I’m fine. Just a little jolt,” she jokes, but I’m not feeling the joke. Thor stands to the side of me, assessing Stella.
    “What was that?” Thor asks my unsaid question.
    She looks into my eyes. “Power.” I’m completely dumbfounded. Maybe she hit her head a smidge too hard on the wall and knocked some screws loose.
    “What kind of power?” I ask tentatively, wanting the answer, but not.
    “I’m not sure, child, but we are going to figure it out.” I want to help her off the floor, but I’m a bit nervous about touching her and having whatever the hell that was happen again.
    “Thor, can you help her up?” I ask kindly. He doesn’t answer. Instead, he picks Stella up in a bridal hold then walks over and places her on the couch so she’s lying down. He’s a good man. I already like him.
    “I’ll go get you some water and see if the rest of the house is still intact.” Thor lumbers off.
    The room is a pit. Broken glass, mirror shards, along with some type of pottery, all smashed to dust. I cannot believe I just did that. Never in all the time that I’ve been alive have I ever had light come out of me. It’s crazy.
    ‘What do you want?’ Xavier’s voice comes through loud and clear, interrupting my musings over the destruction of the room. I take in each thought.
    ‘My daughter. You stole her.’ Father.
    ‘I did not. She’s my mate.’
    ‘She’s already mated.’
    ‘That was not a mating. That was coercion.’
    ‘What else did she lie to you about? She’s always been really good at making up stories.’
    The hell I have!
    ‘She told me everything. Is there a reason you’re here? Because you obviously know I’m not giving her to

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