Raber Wolf Pack Book One

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Book: Raber Wolf Pack Book One by Ryan Michele Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ryan Michele
Tags: Romance
hell is around me that would cause a wolf to shy away from me. I look to my arms but see nothing.
    Since my little pass-out stint, the voices in the room have halted, maybe I need to tune them back in to find out more.
    “H-hi, I’m Stella,” she stutters out and I feel bad for her. I’m not going to hurt her. I’d never.
    “Hi, Stella, I’m Zara. It’s nice to meet you and thank you for checking me out.” My Nana O always said that you could feed more flies with honey than lemon juice…or something like that. She always had these weird sayings and I’d screw them up every time I tried to repeat them, which she laughed at excessively. Damn, I miss her. I haven’t seen my grandmother since before I was put in the cage. She and my brother are the only two I miss from that place.
    ‘Oh, she’s nice.’ A smile graces Stella’s face and her body relaxes a bit, though she remains cautious. “Alpha, can you have everyone please leave the room for a minute?” she asks kindly.
    “Leave,” he commands and everyone listens, leaving us the huge living room all to ourselves, but the clash of pots and pans in the kitchen echoes through. Apparently, Marissa is taking her aggression out on the cookware.
    “Thank you, Alpha.” She doesn’t sound like she’s trying to make him happy. She sounds like she actually means it. Nice.
    He doesn’t reply, only nods to me, giving his silent direction. Is he like this with everyone? We need to chat about that.
    Stella’s body shakes a bit. “Zara, I’m not sure if you know this but there is some type of aura or light around you.”
    “What does that mean?” Xavier cuts in, asking my question before I can. My eyes narrow at him and he smirks.
    “I’m not sure. I want to say it’s a protection spell, but I’m just not sure.” A what?
    “Like a witch put a spell on me?” It’s not totally unheard of, but how, when, and why me?
    “A witch or a wizard would be my guess.”
    “I don’t see it. What does it look like?” Xavier interrupts, again.
    “It’s shimmery, like silver glitter dancing around her entire body and radiating out from her.” I check my arms and legs, not seeing anything different from what I normally do. Everything seems exactly as it should. I look to Xavier who shakes his head.
    “Do the others see it?”
    “I’m thinking no or there would have been more of a freak out.” She looks down sheepishly. “Sorry.”
    “Do you know who could have put this on you?” Xavier’s words turn my attention back to him. Heavens he is gorgeous. The seriousness coming off of him is even more tempting and inviting. Yum. “Zara?” he questions, pulling me out of my stupor.
    “The only one that could be a possibility would be Nana O, my grandmother. She’s always had more powers than just being a wolf, but has never come out and said so. But if that were true why didn’t it protect me against my father?” When Xavier addressed the group, he told them of my father and his treatment toward me, much to my dismay. But it didn’t change any of their views of me. He did not tell them of my power though. That he said would only be between me, him, Max and Thor, for now.
    “I have no idea, but we’re going to have to find some answers.” Xavier answers his phone as it buzzes. “Yeah. No shit?” He looks at me. ‘ Your father’s here.’
    I gasp, eyes popping out of my head. Fear paralyzes me to the couch.
    “I will, but only him.” ‘ He wants to meet with me,’ he thinks to me.
    “No!” I screech, making Stella jump.
    ‘Yes,’ he thinks firmly, his eyes telling me that it is not up for any discussion. I don’t think so. He’s not going out there with him. He can’t. He can’t die.
    Stella’s eyes dart back and forth between us and I shut my mouth, already saying one word too much, but my eyes plead with him.
    “Only him or nothing at all.” Shit. Shit. Shit.
    “Be there in ten.” He swipes his phone off. “I’m going down to talk to

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