Raber Wolf Pack Book One

Free Raber Wolf Pack Book One by Ryan Michele

Book: Raber Wolf Pack Book One by Ryan Michele Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ryan Michele
Tags: Romance
many sounds coming from every angle. Why can’t I turn them off? I’ve always been able to turn them off. My head gets dizzy and I begin to panic. This is what I felt the night I learned of my powers. Dammit. I fall into something hard and darkness envelops me.
    “Zara, wake up.” My head is moved from side to side and I crack my eyes open to find the sexiest electric blue eyes I’ve ever seen. Everything around me is hazy, though. It’s as if his eyes are all I can see. Xavier. I shake myself and sit up, resting my head in my hands. I’m on an unfamiliar couch. How’d I get here?
    It all comes rushing back. The voices became too much. I’ve got to figure out how to get them all in check here. I did so well at my old pack. I never thought this would be a problem again. Shit.
    “I’m fine. Just got a little lightheaded, but I’m good now,” I tell my mate, kneeling in front of me, and then lift my head and give him a soft, reassuring smile.
    “You’re going to eat.” He turns around. “Rose and Marissa make her something to eat.”
    ‘Now I have to be at this fake bitch’s beck and call? What the fuck!’ This comes from a very attractive blonde. She’s a bit shorter than the average wolf, but it doesn’t take away from her ample curves.
    “Absolutely,” the other woman singsongs in a grandmotherly tone, and I instantly like her. She doesn’t look at me with contempt. She just seems puzzled.
    “Thank you, Rose,” Xavier replies, turning his back to a huffing Marissa. I’m thinking she’s the one that thinks my mate is hers. Just a wild guess. In every pack, you have one like her. One that thinks she’s the shit and struts around like she is. I had to deal with Lisa and her comments for the past couple years, I guess now it’s Marissa’s turn.
    Xavier didn’t let it go unnoticed that I needed to eat. I know I’m thin, but he must see it. He must see that I haven’t eaten well in a long time. Either that or he’s way too damn good at reading me.
    “Really, I’m okay. I’m not sure what happened, but I can assure you that I am just fine.” The concerned scowl on Xavier’s face is not giving me much hope that this will go over well.
    “Stella, come check her.” A striking woman with ash blonde, almost brown hair steps forward. Her steps are a bit hesitant. What does she think I’m going to do, kill her? “This is one of our healers. She’s going to take a look at you.”
    “I told you that I’m fine.” Something unlocks inside me and it’s the strangest sensation. It feels like the old me wants to burst through the surface, but I tread carefully. He stated he doesn’t want the Stepford version of me, and damn, I’m tired of being it. So, I lock her back up and regain myself.
    “And I told you, you’re getting checked. End of story,” he commands, and my wolf snarls. Apparently, she’s not liking this either. I glare at him, the heat rising up my neck and into my face. My nostrils flare as my breathing becomes ragged. I clench my fists. “There it is.” A sexy smirk plays on his lips and I want to reach out and bite it.
    “There what is?” I snap with a bit more attitude than intended.
    “That spark. Seems I’m going to have to piss you off more often.” The contentment in is voice follows his posture. Me, not so much. I’m not sure he’s going to like what he unleashes.
    “You really sure you want to do that?” I challenge, finding it a bit odd to tease him. It’s been so damn long since I’ve even flirted with a male, but he has no idea who I used to be. He doesn’t know dick about me other than what I’ve told him regarding the last two years. Maybe this really can be a new beginning, a new start. There it is again, hope.
    ‘Shit. I hope she doesn’t hurt me.’ Stella thinks as she approaches. Am I that big of a threat? I guess since she can’t smell the right things, I am. ‘ There’s something around her. What is it?’ the woman continues. What in the

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