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Book: Consumed by Melissa Toppen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Toppen
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Contemporary Romance, love
for me to get in. I step inside and push my back against the far wall of the elevator, determined to keep as much distance between us as possible.
    He waits for the doors to close before he turns back to me and speaks. “I wanted to apologize for the other night. I know it was out of line for me to get involved but I don't for one second, regret punching that jackass in the face.” He says on a smirk as if remembering the moment.
    “It's fine really.” I reassure him. I shake my head as if trying to shake myself into reality. Is this really happening? Is he really here?
    “Anyways, I was hoping that I could take you to dinner.” He says catching me off guard. I look up to meet his eyes and instantly all air leaves my body. What is it about this man that completely consumes every ounce of me in his presence?
    “I already ate.” I lie. Even though I am starving, the last thing I need right now is to let whatever this is go any further.
    “How about tomorrow?” He asks as the elevator reaches the bottom floor and the doors slide open.
    “Sorry I can't, busy.” I say squeezing past him to escape the small confines of the elevator. He quickly follows.
    “Thursday?” He asks, and this time I catch the laughter in his voice. I spin around to find him staring at me, humor all over his face. “Let me guess, you're busy.” He says taking two long strides forward until he is standing directly in front of me. I nod, unable to speak. He reaches out and slowly traces down my jawline with the back of his hand causing my entire body to tense.
    “Fine, Friday.” He says, his hand now traveling down my arm at a tortuously slow pace. When he reaches my hand, he slowly circles my knuckles with his thumb. It's seductive and even though it's such an innocent act, I can't help but feel like he knows exactly what he's doing to me.
    I jerk my hand away. “I'm sorry, I just can't.” I say backing away. He grips my hand tightly eliminating my ability to walk away. I look from his hand to his face and see that the playfulness is now gone.
    “One dinner Addison, that's all I'm asking.” He says almost pleading. My heart kicks into overdrive. “If you never want to see me again after that then that's fine. But please, don't deny me the chance to know you.” He releases my hand and makes his way towards the exit. I stand there for a moment completely confused. He's just going to walk away, just like that?
    “I will see you Friday.” He says turning to give me a wink before exiting the revolving doors, leaving me no chance to protest.
    What the hell was that? I quickly exit Strike Tower and immediately scan the side walk for any sign that Liam is still near by. There are only a handful of people that I can see and none of them are him. He played that just right and I know without a doubt that was his intention all along. He knew I would refuse so he ended it without letting me do so.
    I pull out my cell phone and quickly check my messages as I make my way to the parking garage. There is one from my mom, a couple from Dana asking how the project was going, and then one from a number that I don't recognize.
    I click the message open just as I reach my car and then instantly freeze.
    Seven O'clock- I'll pick you up in the lobby.
    I instantly look around, half expecting him to walk out of the shadows with another surprise appearance. What is with this man? He seems to be everywhere I am. And how did he get my cell phone number? As much as I want to ignore the message, I can't do it. I climb into Moesha, start her up, and snap my seat belt in place before turning my attention back to my phone.
    I'm starting to think you really are stalking me. How did you get my number?
    I lock my phone and throw it on my passenger seat before putting the car in drive and setting out into the night. I get about two minutes down the road when my phone signals a new text message but I ignore it. I flip on the radio looking for something, anything to

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