The Admiral and the Wildcat: Scifi Alien Romance

Free The Admiral and the Wildcat: Scifi Alien Romance by Mina Carter

Book: The Admiral and the Wildcat: Scifi Alien Romance by Mina Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mina Carter
the centre of Gabe’s chest, so bright he was surprised it didn’t spill out through his pores. Standing up straight, he held Kelis’ pistol in the hand loosely at his side, ready to level it on this arrogant SOB if he started in on the injured woman. “She can’t hear you, so lay off…”
    Transferring his attention, he barked at the security officers who swarmed in through the doors. “Get me a medical team, now!”
    “What the hells?” The warrior’s expression completely transformed and with three strides he was at Gabe’s side, yanking the table out of the way. “Kelis? Oh shit, Kelis!”
    Before Gabe could react, the big guy flipped Kelis over, his heavily black inked arms barely tensed with strain, to check her back. Pulling a lethal-looking knife from the sheath on his thigh, he swiftly started to cut away the clothing from her back.
    “Hey, what the hell do you think you’re going?” Gabe snapped. “The med team is on the way. Leave her alone.”
    The other man looked up, his eyes flashing with anger. “And you think they can treat my daughter better than one of us?”
    Holy. Shit.
    At the man’s words, Gabe suddenly realised why he seemed so familiar. He had the same blue-grey eyes as Kelis, and there was something about the way he held himself that was identical.
    Which meant this was the Vann Warlord. One of the most dangerous men in the galaxy.
    And Gabe had spent last night fucking his daughter every way imaginable.
    “Your daughter?” Gabe dropped to his knees and watched as the older Vann uncovered the nasty blast wound across Kelis’ back. He winced at the sight of it. Covering most of one shoulder, the skin was burned and broken, bleeding in places and where it wasn’t, the burns were deep. If she’d been human…yeah, he didn’t want to think about it.
    “She is.” Vann was obviously not the chatty type. Propping his daughter against his knees, he leaned down and set the edge of his blade against the charred flesh.
    Gabe had to swallow and force himself not to look away as the other man started to scrape away the charred flesh. She moaned in pain at his touch but didn’t regain consciousness properly. Gabe was grateful for that.
    “Are you sure you need to do that? Don’t you guys heal quickly?”
    Vann nodded but didn’t look up. “We do. But see where the bolt hit her and spread?”
    He traced lines in the damaged flesh of Kelis’ shoulder. Gabe frowned and leaned forward. There, just visible, was a nano-filament mesh.
    “Oh shit, yeah. I see it.”
    Vann grunted and went back to work. “If I don’t get this out, it’ll heal in place and she’ll kick my ass because she’ll have to have it removed.”
    As he watched, the big Saragosian warrior pried the filament free and threw it on the floor. Almost instantly, Kelis moaned in relief and relaxed. Vann flicked a glance up and speared Gabe with a gaze too like his daughter’s for comfort. “If you’ve realised anything at all about my daughter, you’ll know that’s not a place any man wants to be.”
    Gabe chuckled, warming to his lover’s father. The guy seemed on the level. Probably would remain that way until he found out about Gabe’s interest in his daughter.
    “Oh yes, that became apparent very early on. Here…” Realising that Vann was looking around for something to cover Kelis with, he stripped out of his own jacket and offered it. “Use this.”
    Vann looked at the expensive fabric for a moment, as though unsure, but then nodded and took it. “Thanks. And thank you for protecting her. Not many men of your rank and status would have done that for one of us.”
    “Those that wouldn’t don’t deserve to wear the uniform I do then,” he replied levelly. “Leadership is not just about giving orders. It’s about being prepared to put your body and soul on the line to protect those who look to you for command. Any leader who won’t isn’t worth the name.”
    Gabe stood as the med team arrived,

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