The Tao of Emerson

Free The Tao of Emerson by Richard Grossman

Book: The Tao of Emerson by Richard Grossman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Richard Grossman
Who tries to govern the state by his wisdom

   is a scourge to it;

While he who does not try to do so is a blessing
    He who knows these two things finds in them

   also his model and rule
Ability to know this model and rule constitutes what we call

   the mysterious excellence of a governor
Deep and far-reaching is such mysterious excellence
Showing indeed its possessor as opposite to others
But leading them to a great conformity to him
    As fast as the public mind is opened
   to more intelligence,
The code is seen to be brute and stammering.
    The wise know that the State must follow and not lead
   the character and progress of the citizen.
The strongest usurper is quickly got rid of,
And that form of government which prevails
Is the expression of what cultivation exists
   in the population which permits it.
    The history of the State sketches in coarse outline
   the progress of thought.
And follows at a distance the delicacy
   of culture and aspiration.

    That whereby the rivers and seas are able to receive

   the homage and tribute of all the valley streams
   is their skill in being lower than they

It is thus that they are the kings of them all
So it is that the sage, wishing to be above men
   puts himself by his words below them
And wishing to be before them, places his person behind them
    A sensible man avoids introducing the names
   of his creditable companions,
And is content putting his fact or theme
   simply on its ground.
You shall not tell me that your commercial house,
   your partners or yourself are of importance;
You shall not tell me that you have learned
   to know men;
You shall make me feel that
   your saying so unsays it.

    All the world says that, while my Tao is great
It yet appears to be inferior to other systems of teaching
Now it is just its greatness that makes it seem to he inferior
If it were like any other system
   for long would its smallness have been known!
    With gentleness I can he bold;

With economy I can he liberal;

Shrinking from taking precedence of others
I can become a vessel of the highest honor
Nowadays they give up gentleness

   and are all for being bold;

Economy, and are all for being liberal;

The hindmost place, and seek only to be foremost;

   of all which the end is death
    Gentleness is sure to be victorious even in battle
   and firmly to maintain its ground
Heaven will save its possessor
   by his very gentleness protecting him
    Self-trust is the first secret of success.
I fear the popular notion of success
   stands in direct opposition on all points
   to the real and wholesome success.
One adores public opinion, the other private opinion,
   one fame, the other desert;
   one feats, the other humility;
   one lucre, the other love.
    What is especially true of love,
   is that it is a state of extreme impressionability;
The lover has more senses and finer senses than others,
His eye and ear are telegraphs;
He reads omens on the flower, and cloud,
   and face, and gesture,
And reads them right.

    He who in Tao’s wars has skill

Assumes no martial fort;

He who fights with most good will

To rage makes no resort
He who vanquishes yet still

Keeps from his foes apart;

He whose behests men most fulfill

Yet humbly plies his art
    Thus we say, “He ne’er contends
And therein is his might.”

Thus we say, “Men’s wills he bends
That they with him unite.”

Thus we say, “Like Heaven’s his ends
No sage of old more bright.”
    It is a vulgar error to suppose that
   a man must be ready to fight.
The utmost that can be demanded of the man
   is that he is incapable of a lie.
You may spit upon him; nothing could
   induce him to spit upon you—
No praises, no possessions, no compulsion
   of public opinion.
You may kick him; he

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