Just One Drop

Free Just One Drop by Quinn Loftis

Book: Just One Drop by Quinn Loftis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Quinn Loftis
have to go even though she isn't full blooded?"
    "Unfortunately, the four Alphas involved have decided that since my mate isn't full blooded it proves that any person with any wolf blood in their genetics must attend because they are possible true mates." Fane took a deep breath and let it out before he continued. "The good news is my parents have to go, and you and Sally can go and act as Jen's help. Naturally, where you go I go, so I will attend as well. There will also be some other mated pack members that will help with security."
    "Security?" Jacque asked, confused.
    "It's not really the best idea to put a bunch of unmated males together, particularly when there will be unmated females up for grabs," Fane explained.
    "Ahh, that's a valid point. So why are they thinking this is a good idea?"
    "They feel it's worth the risk since so many Canis lupis aren't finding their mates." Fane wrapped his hand around Jacquelyn's wrist and tugged her to him, pulling her into the curve of his body. She laid her head on his chest as she continued to think about this new development. Fane continued, "The mated pairs will help keep the unmated in line. There will be a pack meeting tomorrow night,"
    "What exactly did you mean by Sally and I being Jen's help?" Jacque interrupted.
    "Well, a century ago they called them ladies in waiting. They were basically there to help prepare the unmated female for the event by helping her dress, fixing her hair. That was when clothes for women were a little more elaborate. But the Alphas figure it would help the unmated females be at ease if they had a few friends with them."
    "So you're telling me that, essentially, we are going to be Jen's servants?" Jen asked dubiously.
    "For lack of a better term," Fane agreed reluctantly.
    "For the sake of my sanity and future friendship with that nympho, do not tell her that. Can you imagine how she would take that and run a stinking marathon with it?"
    Fane chuckled. "We will be delicate on how we broach the subject."
    "Of course, she may be too preoccupied with the whole unmated males checking her out thing to really care about having a servant," Jacque added. "Man, if Decebel wasn't in the picture she would be in her idea of heaven – a bunch of hot werewolves checking her out."
    "Love, you forget I'm the only wolf you are supposed to refer to as hot," Fane teased.
    Jacque snuggled closer. "It goes without saying, wolf-man, you are the hottest of them all."
    Fane growled. "Prove it," he challenged.
    Jacque leaned back to look into his eyes and saw the desire that filled them.
    "Now?" she asked, surprised by the abrupt change in subject.
    "We can't solve Jen and Decebel's problem tonight, love, nor can we change whether or not The Gathering will take place. What we can do is love one another. What I plan to do is forget about all others but you, Luna. For the rest of the night you will forget all others but me."
    Jacque smiled slyly at her mate. "Bossy much?" she teased.
    "I want you," he said simply, not attempting to gloss over his demand.
    "And so you shall have me," Jacque whispered as she clicked the bedside lamp off, leaving only the moon to light their room.
    "So, for clarification purposes..." Jen sat in the media room on one of the overstuffed couches the following morning. Jacque sat on the floor, leaning against a chair that Sally occupied. Vasile and Alina sat opposite Jen on another couch while Sorin and Decebel both stood on either side of the room, propped against the wall. "Because I have a teeny, tiny amount of werewolf blood in me I have to go to what essentially amounts to a mating dance and let other unmated wolves sniff me?"
    Sally snorted with laughter. "Sorry, got a visual."
    "Nice." Jacque high fived her.
    Jen glared at her two best friends. "If you two are done with your little moment could we please focus on this upcoming disaster?"
    "Sorry, Jen. Don't mind us. By all means, continue freaking out." Sally waved Jen on.

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