
Free Serendipity by Stacey Bentley

Book: Serendipity by Stacey Bentley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacey Bentley
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
    My stomach growls when I smell the contents and I groan. “Did you get anything for me?” I ask, following closely behind her.
    “Well of course we did. What kind of mother would I be if I didn’t feed my son?” I smile at her response, and run up in front to hold open the screen door for them. My mom smiles as she walks past me, my dad arches a brow as if I’m up to something.
    I walk in after my dad, shutting the door behind me and my jaw drops when I see the table set and a cup of coffee and orange juice is laid out in front of each plate.
    “Oh Phoebe, did you do all of this?” my mom asks, a mixture of curiosity and adoration in her voice. Her eyes light up as she sets the bags down on the counter and looks to Phoebe.
    Barbie flashes her bright white smile. This girl is perfection from head to toe. Her long blonde hair that looks so silky smooth, it makes me want to run my fingers through it. I could get lost in her eyes—the color of the bluest ocean—for days and not have a single worry. Her soft, tan skin looks so delicious, and I can only imagine how she might taste on my lips.
    Holy Hell! What is happening to me?!
    I quickly turn around to adjust myself, cursing my decision to wear such tight jeans. I need to get laid, maybe that will take my mind off of Phoebe.
    “Sit down and eat Dean, before your food gets cold,” my mom says, pulling out a chair for me.
    The omelet is as big as the plate and I swear I could eat the whole thing in less than five bites. This isn’t much variation from our usual breakfast but it’s different and different is good. I grab my plate and a fork and turn to leave the room so I don’t have to sit next to Barbie.
    “Where do you think you’re going, Dean?” Mom asks, narrowing her eyes.
    “I’m just going to take my food outside with me. I’m still catching up from the other day and I have a lot of work to do.”
    She raises her eyebrows. “I don’t care what you have to do, we eat as a family.” She points down to the chair and gives me a stern look.
    Family? Now my mom is calling Barbie family ? I roll my eyes and pull out the chair. I set the plate down, avoid eye contact with everyone at the table, and dig into my food,
    “I’d really like to get out of the house today. Do you think it would be okay if I walk the grounds, Emily?” Barbie asks in an innocent tone.
    “Oh sure, I think that would be fine,” my mom replies.
    I clean my plate and lean back into the chair, resting my hands behind my head. As I stretch my legs out, I accidently tap Barbie’s thigh. She glares at me as if I did it on purpose.
    “Um, sorry,” I push the chair out and take my plate to the sink. The sooner I get out of this house and away from Phoebe, the better. As I turn on the tap and rinse the plate off under the running water, I feel eyes burning into my back. I look over my shoulder to see my mom and dad watching me.
    I set the plate down and turn around, leaning against the counter. “What?” I shrug my shoulders.
    “Dean, take Phoebe out on the grounds. She won’t be able to walk very far so take the truck,” my mom smiles and turns to Barbie to make sure it’s okay.
    How in the hell did I get volunteered for this shit?
    “But I have a ton of work to do. The past two days barely anything has gotten done. Maybe tomorrow?” I ask.
    “Dean,” my dad barks. “Your mother wasn’t asking you, son.”
    I hold up my hands to surrender. “Okay, okay, I get it.” I turn and walk outside, grabbing the truck keys from the hook and letting the screen door slam shut behind me.
    I jump in the truck and pull off my shirt, blasting the AC and pointing all of the vents in my direction. I close my eyes and rest my head as the cool air blasts from the vents and cooling my overheated body.
    Barbie has only just arrived and already I’m counting the days until she leaves. Two down, seven to go.
    While waiting for Barbie, I pull out my phone and send a quick text to Devon.

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