Final Vow

Free Final Vow by Kathleen Brooks

Book: Final Vow by Kathleen Brooks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathleen Brooks
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Mystery
father could be at the office for days at a time when there were emergencies.
    “Pentagon. Office of the Chief,” a tired woman answered.
    “Bridget Springer for General Ward,” Bridget tried to say politely as she tapped her fingers on the kitchen island.
    “I’m sorry, but the general is unavailable at this time. Can I take a message?”
    “ I don’t mean to be difficult, but this is his daughter and I need to speak with my father.”
    “I’m sorry, but . . .”
    “No. It doesn’t work like that. At least go tell him I’m on the phone before you decide if he’ll talk to me.”
    Bridget heard the woman grit her teeth. “Hold.” Bridget tapped her foot and waited. Her father’s secretaries usually knew to put her through no matter what. It was a policy that he had since she was a little girl. “I’ll put you through, Miss Springer.” The secretary didn’t sound particularly happy about it, but before Bridget could apologize for the urgency, she was being patched through.
    “What is it, pumpkin?”
    “I need your help. Sergei has targeted me,” Bridget told him before explaining the picture Ahmed had brought to her.
    “I told you I didn’t want you involved. I’m sending someone for you.”
    “No, Daddy. I know you don’t want to hear this, but I’ll do whatever it takes to help Ahmed, whether he likes it or not.”
    “Daddy, I’ll do this with or without your help.”
    She heard her father step out of the room he was in and into a quiet space. “ There have been some developments here. I’m working with the president’s men. We know Sergei has entered the US. We just didn’t know why. With what you’re telling me, we know he was in Kentucky this evening, but our intel is saying he’ll be at the UN meeting this week. Delegations arrive in the morning and will be here for the week,” her father explained.
    “Is that why you’re in lockdown?”
    “Yes. We’re coordinating security with the Secret Service for the best way to capture him. We’ve heard rumors of Sarif Ali Rahman contemplating an overthrow of Rahmi. Considering what happened last time he did that, we think the two have teamed up again.”
    “I need to help. I have to find Sergei. My life isn’t the only one dependent on it.”
    Bridget heard her father sigh and then the noise started again. “Agent Woodberry, I’m assigning Bridget Springer to your team.”
    “The dog lady?”
    “The dog lady,” her father confirmed.
    “Bridget, meet with Agent Woodberry tomorrow at the UN. Bring Marko. I might as well put you to work .”
    “And conveniently have me guarded by the Secret Service.” Bridget almost felt like stomping her foot. Some fathers grounded their ch ildren, but her father stuck government agencies on her. It was like she was fourteen all over again when she snuck out of the house to go to a party one night. The next day there was an off-duty military police officer trailing her.
    “That’s my best offer.”
    “Fine,” Bridget said as she rolled her eyes.
    “Yes, Daddy?”
    “He ’d better be worth it, ’cause right now I’m going to kill him for putting you in this position. Just promise me you’ll be safe.”
    “ He’s worth it. And he didn’t put me anywhere I didn’t put myself. Thank you, Daddy.” Bridget hung up the phone and went to pack a bag. Ahmed may think he was protecting her, but she wasn’t going to sit back and wait for Prince Charming to save her. No, this princess was going to kick a little ass.

    Ahmed blended into the shadows surrounding the embassy. He had spent the last two days observing the comings and goings of the Surman embassy and hadn’t been able to catch a glimpse of either Sarif or Sergei. The first day he arrived he’d tried to talk to Sarif, but they wouldn’t allow him past the gate.
    Sarif was scheduled to talk tomorrow at the UN and time was running out. He was going to have to break into the embassy to find Sarif

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