Heavy Metal (A Badboy Rockstar Romance)

Free Heavy Metal (A Badboy Rockstar Romance) by Octavia Wildwood

Book: Heavy Metal (A Badboy Rockstar Romance) by Octavia Wildwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Octavia Wildwood
seize the moment and wilfully make a fool of myself in spite of the crippling self-consciousness I had lived with for years.  No, Brandon was to thank for that.  He made me want to act impulsive, be silly and have fun.  And he made me feel safe enough to do it. 
    It was a liberating feeling.
    “It’s time to make good on your threat,” Brandon told me.  “And just for you, I choose dare.”
    “Hmm okay,” I said, gnawing on my lower lip ever so slightly as I tried to come up with a suitable dare.  Then, when I came up with one, I started to snicker.  I couldn’t really ask him to do that...could I?
    “What’s so funny?” he demanded.
    “Have you ever flashed someone before?” I asked.
    “I chose dare, not truth,” he replied coyly.  “Why, have you?”
    “You’re out of turn!” I shot back, fighting fire with fire.  “You don’t get to ask questions!”
    “Well neither do you!”
    “Well fine!  I dare you to moon someone.”
    “Okay,” he agreed without argument, unfastening his seatbelt. 
    I wished I could be half as comfortable in my skin as he was in his.
    Brandon turned away and began to fumble with his belt buckle.  Suddenly I didn’t know where to look, so I stared hard out the window.  I heard him unzip his jeans and thought nothing of the fact that he had his back to me.  I fully expected him to reposition himself so he could roll down the limo window and display his butt to some unlucky – or lucky – person on the street.
    Except that wasn’t what he did.
    The next thing I knew, I was staring at Brandon’s bare ass as he shook it in my face.
    “What are you doing?!” I shrieked as his shoulders started to heave, unable to contain himself.
    “You told me to flash someone!” he reminded me as he pulled up his jeans and sat back down, barely able to get the words out as he shook with laughter.  Steve and our driver had finally taken note of our game and they were roaring as they began to piece together what was going on.
    “I meant someone outside!”
    “Then you should have been more specific,” he winked, still guffawing at the way he had managed to beat me at my own game.  He looked quite proud of himself, as though he had accomplished something truly great.  For some reason I found that hilarious in and of itself.
    “What is it about this game that makes grown adults act like misbehaving preteens?” I asked once I could speak again, still clutching my belly as tears streamed down my face.
    “I don’t know but that’s why I like it,” Brandon replied merrily.  “If you ask me, being a grownup is overrated sometimes.  So I guess I’m lucky I get to be in a band and travel the world playing music rather than hold down a real job.”
    “I’d say so.”  Then I looked at him, trying to read between the lines.  “You don’t sound all that thrilled about it,” I observed, staring at him expectantly as I waited for him to tell me what was on his mind. 
    “Truth or dare?” he asked, changing the subject.
    “You’re not going to dare me to flash someone, are you?” I asked nervously.
    “Only one way to find out,” Brandon teased.
    “Well in that case I’m going to go with truth,” I said, unwilling to take a chance.
    “Rate my ass on a scale of 1-10,” Brandon demanded, barely able to keep a straight face.
    “You’re such a dork!” I laughed, making a rude face at him.  He made one right back.
    Thankfully, we happened to roll up to the hotel right at that moment.  The timing couldn’t have been better as it saved me from having to answer Brandon’s question and potentially embarrassing myself to no end.
    But for the record, his butt was a definite ten out of ten.  Maybe it was even an eleven.
    Chapter 07
    “How did your phone call go?” Brandon asked me later that evening. 
    He had come to my hotel room to let me know it was time to go, and then had ushered me out to a non-descript car with tinted windows where a driver was

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