Dog Days of Summer

Free Dog Days of Summer by P. J. Fiala

Book: Dog Days of Summer by P. J. Fiala Read Free Book Online
Authors: P. J. Fiala
felt on top of him.
    “Ride me, Joci.”
    Joci smiled at him . Her smile was so beautiful. She had eyes the color of a winter storm, gray and smoldering and dimples that framed her perfect teeth. Jesus, he could look at her all day and all night and not get tired of looking at her. She was like water to a man walking in the desert. She quenched a thirst in him he didn’t even know he had, but now that he knew, he couldn’t live without her.
    Joci started to move on Jeremiah. First slowly up and down, God…he stretched her as far as she could stretch. Then she moved back and forth a little, never taking her eyes off him. She could look into his eyes for the rest of her life. They were so green and intense.
    Joci continued rocking on top of Jeremiah, watching the emotions play on his face. His eyes never left her as she rode him, up and down and back and forth. She ran her hands up his abdomen and over his chest. She loved the way he felt to her touch. Sometimes he quivered under her hands. She ran her hands over his chest, and his nipples puckered up tight. She pinched his nipples and his nostrils flared.
    Joci leaned forward and sucked one of his nipples into her mouth, and flicked it with her tongue. He tightened his grip on her hips. She would probably wear his bruises tomorrow, but she didn ’t care. He shoved her down on his cock, at the same time rising up to meet her. He wanted to be deeper in her, but he didn’t know how he was going to get there. He slid his feet back to his ass, raising his knees in the air so he could get more leverage and thrust up into Joci when she dropped down on him.
    Joci gasped as he drove deeper into her. He raised his hands and linked his fingers with hers.
    “Hang on to me, Joci, and ride me.”
    That ’s exactly what she did. Sliding up and down on him and sometimes lifting her legs right off the bed so she only had him to stop her, shoving him inside of her all the way, Joci rode. This feeling she couldn’t quite put it into words. It was like a fire or an itch she couldn’t scratch. Jeremiah was able to scratch it. She began riding him faster and harder. Her skin became shiny with moisture as her breathing grew ragged.
    So was his, thrusting up into her with every move she made. He would never get deep enough. Joci could feel the heat pooling low inside of her. She cried out as she came.
    Jeremiah thrust into her while she came and held himself in place.
    “ Do it again, Joci. Come again.”
    He would drain her of every ounce of moisture she had in her body. Come again? Fuck! He continued to thrust into her and she regained her control and started riding him again. She was doubtful she could, but she tried. Rocking and pushing on to him with all of her strength, it shocked her to feel her orgasm building so soon. She was still watching Jeremiah and her eyes got big when she felt her orgasm coming.
    He smiled at her. “I’m ready when you are.”
    They were thrusting and riding, breathing hard and sweating, working toward the same goal. Joci ’s face changed as she started to come. Her eyes clouded over and she almost looked pained, but it was so beautiful watching her come. He wanted to see that over and over again. She pushed herself down hard on Jeremiah and came just as he groaned out her name and came with her.
    He grabbed her hips and pushed himself into her deeply as he continued to release into her. God, he didn ’t think it would end; never had his orgasms been so strong.
    Joci collapsed onto Jeremiah’s chest, trying to catch her breath. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. His thumbs rubbed circles on her back, gently stroking. It was soothing, feeling him hold her and rub her back. Joci closed her eyes. She was overcome with emotion, and the tears slipped out of her eyes, slid down the side of her face, and onto Jeremiah’s chest. She couldn’t control it, she was so overwhelmed.
    Jeremiah felt the moisture and moved his hands to cup her head.

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