Dog Days of Summer

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Book: Dog Days of Summer by P. J. Fiala Read Free Book Online
Authors: P. J. Fiala
time. We’ll need to discuss this further, but I don’t want to sleep alone ever again. I want you in my arms.”
    Joci cocked her head to the side and looked at Jeremiah. “You don’t think this is moving way too fast?”
    Jeremiah sat up and looked at Joci with question in his eyes. “You’re kidding, right? I just told you it was a long fucking year. We’ve had close to a year to think about each other, talk to each other, work with each other, and think about what we wanted. As far as I’m concerned, we’re way behind the ball on this.”
    Joci looked at Jeremiah and her face softened. “I’m sorry. You know this isn’t going to be easy. Jeremiah, I see the way women look at you and fawn over you. That’s what has kept me away for this year. I’ve been cheated on and lied to. I have a real trust problem. You might want to walk away right now so I don’t drive you crazy.”
    “ I’m not walking away, Joci. I know you have trust issues. Remember, I’m the one who was trying to get you to go out with me, to spend time with me. I’ve watched you struggle with your feelings for me and not want to admit them. I wish I could make them go away, but I can’t. What I can do is stick with you and hang on tight. That’s what I intend to do. And, just so we’re clear, I’ve never had another lover. I’ve fucked women, but I’ve never made love to them. I just made love to you. I can’t explain it, but that was intense, amazing, emotional, and completely consuming. You are my first and last lover.”
    Joci watched Jeremiah ’s eyes. She could see the honesty there. He never wavered when he looked at her. He didn’t fidget and twitch. He just looked at her like he was trying to mentally tell her he was telling the truth. She didn’t know what to say to him. She had never made love either. She didn’t know that until just now. She had fucked or been fucked, however you determined that, but had never made love. Now she knew what the fuss was about.
    He hugged her tight and she wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him back. Her heart continued to race.

Chapter 10
After the Lovin’
    Jeremiah and Joci lay back against the headboard. The candles were burning low and the light wasn’t nearly as bright, but still very beautiful. Jeremiah couldn’t stop looking at Joci. Every dream he ever had was of her. He hadn’t even met her yet, but he dreamed of her in his life. He dreamed of days laughing and loving and, nights of passion.
    The day Gunnar had brought Joci to the shop and Jeremiah met her, he knew she was the one he had been dreaming of. He spoke to his brothers about it. He asked them when they knew their wives were the ones and all three of them said they knew it the moment they met their wives. Jeremiah was sure as well.
    “ Joci, tell me about Connor. What’s the deal with him?”
    Joci looked at Jeremiah. He seemed irritated about Connor. “I take it you don’t like Connor.” She smiled thinking about Connor.
    Jeremiah looked at her for a long time. “Connor’s in love with you. I see the way he looks at you. It drives me nuts.”
    Joci looked at Jeremiah and furrowed her brow. “I don’t think so. He’s been there for us. He feels bad about the way Keith treated us, Gunnar and me. He was Keith’s best friend. They’re still friends and keep in touch. He knew all along that Keith was cheating and told me he tried talking to Keith about it. Connor’s been a good friend for a long time now. When I needed help with Gunnar, Connor stepped in for me—for Keith actually. That’s all.”
    Jeremiah ’s lips formed a straight line. “He never asked you out or tried to kiss you?”
    Joci cocked her head to the side. “Yes, after he divorced, he asked me out. He did kiss me a couple of times, but each time, I told him I wanted to keep it friendly. Eventually, he accepted that.”
    Jeremiah leaned over and kissed Joci lightly on the lips. “You can’t possibly believe that! I

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