His Highness the Duke
which made her
    remember pleasure, which made her remember death, which made her…
    ―You are beautiful, my lady.‖
    The sound of Bron‘s voice knocked every thought from her head. She turned to
    him. He was in a matching red tunic with a large dragon emblem sewn on the chest.
    The styles of the clothing were similar in cut, clearly made as a set. In a strange way it
    made her feel as if she belonged to him. ―Thank you.‖
    He stood in front of the front flap, not making a move to come inside the tent.
    His gaze roamed her face, searching her. When neither of them spoke, he moved
    toward the food table and poured a goblet of wine. Aeron touched her damp hair,
    quickly smoothing it with her hands. Then, seeing a comb, she made fast work of the
    long length.
    Bron sipped the liquor. He leaned back against the table, watching her pull at her
    hair. The silence became unbearable and she tried to think of anything she could to fill
    ―Did you sleep well?‖ she inquired. It wasn‘t what she wanted to know. What
    did he think about what happened? How did she do?
    How did I do? Aeron grimaced. Was she really looking for a performance review
    from the man she‘d tied up and forced her virginity upon?
    ―I did not sleep.‖ He set the goblet down on the table. ―I was in the temple trying
    to atone for what happened.‖
    ―Atone?‖ she repeated. It wasn‘t exactly the thing a girl waited to hear from her
    first lover.
    ―I know one night cannot make up for what happened, but I assure you I will
    restore our family‘s honor if it takes a lifetime.‖ Bron made a move to take the goblet,
    Michelle M. Pillow
    but stopped mid-action. Instead, he came toward her. ―The activities of last night were
    not as I intended.‖
    She was about to answer, but the crystal around his neck began to glow and she
    forgot what she was going to say. Its pulsing light mesmerized her.
    Bron followed her gaze down. ―We should finish this before the crystal gets too
    impatient and enthralls us both. Come.‖
    ―I must present you to the council as my wife.‖ Bron picked up her hand in his.
    ―I can‘t be your wife. I told you I was not here to marry.‖ Aeron again looked at
    his crystal. It was so pretty. She wanted to touch it.
    ―Considering what was done here, I think it is a little late for that,‖ he said. ―You
    are my wife. The rest of the morning is merely a formality. ‖
    ―No, you don‘t understand. I came here to talk to someone about the ore mines.‖
    She pulled her hand from his. The physical contact only made it hard to think. ―I can‘t
    be married.‖
    ―There will be time for that after we finish the ceremony and go home.‖
    ―Home?‖ she repeated. ―My home is on a spaceship orbiting a military base.‖
    ―Your home is in my castle.‖
    ―This is not acceptable. I need time to think. Everything is rushing around in my
    head and—‖
    ―Come to the presentation with me. Finish the ceremony. Then, afterwards, I
    promise we will discuss the ore, your home, anything that you wish.‖ He sighed.
    ―Please, I ask you, do this. After last night... Please, help me finish the ceremony. It is a
    matter of my family‘s honor.‖
    He seemed so earnest that all she could do was nod her head in agreement. ―All
    right. We‘ll do the ceremony and figure this mess out later.‖
    The tension in his arms lessened. ―Thank you, my lady.‖

    * * * * *
    His Highness The Duke
    Bron couldn‘t help but notice the glazed look in Aeron‘s eyes. Her will, as well as
    her attention, was captured by his crystal. He understood because he too felt the pull. It
    convinced him all the more that she was meant to be his wife. Even now he wanted to
    touch her, to pull her back into the tent, into the bed, into his arms.
    He led her to the platform where the councilmen stood around royalty. The king
    and queen were both in regal purple and wore their crowns. They were seated in the
    center of the

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