PROTECT and SERVE (A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance)

Free PROTECT and SERVE (A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance) by Nikki Wild, Kat Jackson

Book: PROTECT and SERVE (A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance) by Nikki Wild, Kat Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Wild, Kat Jackson
    “Oh, fuck,” I whispered, clamping down around his fingertip, trying against all odds to hold out. His thumb found its way beneath my clitoris, rolling over it in time with the soft thrusts of his hand.
    Now he was giving me more than I could handle, whereas a moment before, he hadn’t been giving me enough. I could feel the tide of my orgasm swelling, rushing in to envelop me as he pushed me farther and farther out to sea.
    “Come for me, Sandra,” he ordered, knowing full well that really, I had no choice. “Just let go.”
    The muscles in my thighs tensed as he drove me closer and closer to the edge. This was happening. I was letting this man claim me in a way only he could. My scalp sent pain shooting down my spine as he pulled my hair back again, his finger working even more insistently inside me, pressing up gently against my g-spot. Tension poured out from my core.
    I couldn’t focus. Nothing mattered except for the pleasure rolling out between my thighs. My skin tingled and goose bumps flushed across my body, along with an intolerable swell of heat and desire.
    “Oh, God… Nathan… I’m coming!” I said perhaps just a bit too loudly. There was no holding back as pleasure pulsed from my solar plexus to every single extremity of my body. My toes curled as I shuddered against him, my pussy clenching down forcefully on his finger, milking it like I was ready to take a load from his cock. His hand released my hair, reaching around and clamping down over my mouth as I screamed his name, unable to hold back in the face of overwhelming bliss.
    I’d never had an orgasm like this in my life. Nathan had always made sure I got off first, but this was on a whole different level. Not even my well-worn shower massager at home could match this. Nathan had driven me to new heights, delivering me to the gates of heaven with his skilled touch. I never wanted to come down again.
    My descent proved inevitable. I groaned and squealed against his palm as I reluctantly returned from the ultimate high, collapsing to my knees, my forearms trying desperately to hold my face off the dirty wall as I gasped for air.
    Reality struck me like a brick to the face. What had I just done? I was supposed to be done with Nathaniel Hale, but here I was quivering at his feet.
    “God, your pussy is so wet. I love the way it drips for me,” Nathan murmured, still standing behind me. “It’s always set you apart… I’ve never touched a woman who reacted quite so eagerly before…”
    I pulled myself away from the wall, turning slowly toward him, my knees aching against the thin carpet. It was bristly and coarse, but I had other, more important things than that to focus on.
    Oh, God…
    Nathan was standing before me, his perfectly tanned musculature on display as he stroked his hard, thick cock. It didn’t matter how many times I’d been on my knees in front of him, I could scarcely believe how incredible he looked…
    His cock twitched, and I realized it was pulsing for me , that it was filled with longing for my body. His tip was flushed with desire. I knew he was desperate for my touch. Despite the control he pretended to have, his lust was only a few moments away from getting the better of him.
    And me.
    “See something you like?” he asked, that cocky trademark smirk spreading across his face. I didn’t know which I wanted to do more: punch him upside his head or suck his incredible cock.
    Both , I realized. I want to do both...
    “Go ahead, Sandra,” he urged me as he reveled in my fascination. “Wrap me up in those beautiful little lips of yours.”
    No amount of self-restraint was going to stop me. Not even the oath I’d sworn as a police officer or my own personal devotion to my job could persuade me to turn away now. Rules be damned—I needed this man, and badly. I always had… Worst of all, the bastard fucking knew it.
    I reached out, pushing his hand away from his impressive shaft so I could grasp his

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