Bumblestook: Book 1, The Accidental Wizard

Free Bumblestook: Book 1, The Accidental Wizard by Sheri McClure-Pitler

Book: Bumblestook: Book 1, The Accidental Wizard by Sheri McClure-Pitler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sheri McClure-Pitler
Tags: Young Adult
commanded (once again causing all living things within the sound of his voice to freeze). “It is imperative that your son touches the creature first, so that it knows its master.” He turned with solemn purpose and beckoned Farley to approach.
    Farley gasped with delight and ran to the puppy. Unfortunately, just as he came within two feet of the animal, he tripped and fell forward.
    The puppy leapt over him and the two rolled on the ground together; yipping and giggling, wagging and wiggling! The tension in the air evaporated as everyone watched the tumbling ball of arms and legs and furry joy, that was part dog and part boy! Unable to restrain themselves any longer, the Bumblestooks ran forward to join their son and his new pet. The puppy reveled in the attentions of its new family, alternately running around them in circles, jumping on them to lick their faces and rolling over for belly-rubs. When Fiona joined in, even Lance and Olivia couldn’t help but smile.
    Bartholeumous quietly made his way over to the Faires and stood beside them, hands clasped behind his back, watching as the merry group frolicked in the garden. Strangely, he did not smile, although he was undoubtedly the cause of their newfound happiness. Instead, his dark eyes reflected a deep concern, as if they observed some other, less joyful scene.
intend to become the boy’s Godparents,” he said.
    “How did you—oh, never mind!” said Olivia, exasperated.
    “We haven’t had a chance to discuss it,” said Lance. “But—and I think Olivia will back me up here—the idea is preposterous! There’s no place in our home for an
Humanchild, let alone a kid like Farley!”
    Bartholeumous eyed him sharply. “Your observation is most astute. Bumblestook is no
Humanchild. There is much more to him than meets the eye. In fact, I have reason to believe that his future and the future of The People are intricately entwined.”
?” Olivia blurted out in disbelief. “But, the Bumblestooks are
! What could
son’s future, possibly have to do with
    “It is written in The Book of Ages, that in this time a Humanchild will become one of the greatest champions of our people. I, and a handful of my fellow Wizards, have been charged with a mission of the highest priority, to Identify, Protect and Educate this child. I believe that child is Bumblestook. However, not all of my colleagues agree. Thus, I have spent a great part of the past five years trying to gather evidence to support my claim.”
    Lance and Olivia had never seen the mysterious Book of Ages, but they knew it contained the stories of the Heroes of their people, written by the book itself once their tales were done. They also knew, occasionally the enigmatic tome wrote of events that were yet to come; enabling the Keepers of the Book to take steps, to alter any futures they deemed harmful to The People. When they were successful, the writing simply disappeared as if it had never been. The potential for misuse of the book’s awesome power was great; thus only a select few, of the most highly trained and respected Wizards, were privy to its pages.
    Bartholeumous continued, “ For some reason, which I have been unable to fathom, Bumblestook is hidden from me. I have spent countless hours attempting to determine the path of his future. My Crystal Scrying Stones fogged over, the Future Reflecting Mirror cracked and the Fires of Fortune fizzled! Finally, in desperation, I attempted a Spell of Transference, in order to see through the boy’s own eyes. It is very tricky, you know— even dangerous—to transfer one’s spirit into the body of another, for the purpose of hitching a ride. I assure you, it is not for the weak-minded!”
    “What happened?” Lance asked.
    “The transfer failed! I was flung out into space, where I bounced back and forth between the planets, like a marble in one of those infernal Human pinball machines! Eventually,

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