Bumblestook: Book 1, The Accidental Wizard

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Book: Bumblestook: Book 1, The Accidental Wizard by Sheri McClure-Pitler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sheri McClure-Pitler
Tags: Young Adult
I was able to get my bearings and orient myself back in my own body. Fortunately, I escaped the ordeal with only a few white hairs. But alas, it was all for naught. Bumblestook’s future remains hidden to me. That is why I must enlist your help, in keeping an eye on the boy and discovering the secret of his power.”
    Lance and Olivia looked askance at the small boy frolicking in their garden. Farley and Fiona were running in circles, with the new puppy nipping at their heels. As they watched, Farley tripped and fell; over
was not apparent, but for Farley, a blade of grass was sufficient. He rolled about on the ground, laughing hysterically, as the puppy jumped on and over him.
    “I just don’t see it,” said Olivia, as Farley got up and promptly tripped again.
    “How could a child like
become involved in the Great Story of The People?” Lance asked skeptically.
    “The Book of Ages tells us the Humanchild’s storyline will become entangled with that of one of our own children—
entirely by accident
    “That’s absurd!” Olivia said indignantly. “The only child of our people that Farley has had any contact with is Fiona—” She stopped abruptly. “You don’t think that
had anything to do with—”
    “We know that the entanglement will be completely unintentional,” Bartholeumous reassured her. “My concern is that such things tend to have serious side effects, not easily countered. A magical backlash of sorts may occur. As you may have noticed, the boy has a rather
physical disability…”
    Olivia gasped and whirled to face her husband, anguish twisting her lovely features.
    “ Lance, is it possible that
    “Now Livie, I really don’t see how
are responsible for the boy’s condition,” her husband hastened to say. “He’s just
clumsy. If anything we probably
him from seriously hurting himself! After all, it’s thanks to us that he has the protection of the Great Water—” Lance broke off suddenly, with a startled look at the Wizard.
    “Do continue,” Bartholeumous encouraged.
    “What I mean is—well, what I was saying was—”
    “Go on.”
    “What Lance is trying to say, is that Fiona is
a good influence on Farley, he’s actually less accident-prone when she’s around,” Olivia explained hurriedly.
what I was going to say!” her husband claimed. “My theory is, Fiona’s connection with the Great Water somehow
rubs off
on little Farley—because they’re so close, you see…”
    “H-m-m. Most unusual. Unheard of, actually,” Bartholeumous responded, peering at the two of them from beneath his shaggy brows. “If there is anything else you’d like to tell me about this—” he paused, as Lance and Olivia shrugged innocently and shook their heads. “Well then, it is absolutely imperative that you agree to become young Bumblestook’s Godparents. Until I can determine the secret of his power and the effect he will have on the future of our people, he must be kept under observation and protected from harm.”
    The Faires looked at each other and sighed, then nodded reluctantly.
    Suddenly, the sky (which had been clear all morning) filled with long, purple clouds that raced across the expanse, like horses out of the gate. Lance and Olivia flinched, as flickering patterns of light dashed across the neat and ordered beauty of the garden, but the Wizard smiled with satisfaction and raised his arms to the sky.
    “A-h-h, at last! The forces of the Universe are coming back into balance!” he declared. “I am more convinced than ever that Bumblestook is the child mentioned in the Book of Ages.”
story, Lance’s and mine, it’s already written there, isn’t it?” Olivia ventured to ask.
perhaps mistakenly, that our adventuring days were over. We pretty much considered ourselves retired,” Lance added.
    Before the Wizard could answer, they were interrupted by Harvey and Myrtle, calling

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