Awakened Desires

Free Awakened Desires by Rissa Blakeley

Book: Awakened Desires by Rissa Blakeley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rissa Blakeley
it.” I half-smirked, feeling like it was going to be a great night for some wild fucking.
    “Let’s just say you have found the right guy for that.” As I murmured into her ear, the waiter set down our drinks. I looked back over at Cock-up, waiting for him to get that creepy-crawly “someone is staring at me” feeling. Then I would wave and smile. It would be brill.
    I glanced back at Vanessa when she tugged at my arm. “Pay attention to me,” she whined playfully.
    “Sorry. I have a lot on my mind.” I twisted around and faced her. “Work shit.”
    “Maybe I can make all your bad thoughts go away.” Again with the purring. Her eyes were half-lidded and she tapped my lips with her forefinger. I had half a mind to find a private space right there in the bar.
    “God, I hope so.” I snuck in another quick kiss.
    We began talking about nothing in particular, and drinking. Then more talking about nothing in particular, accompanied by…more drinking. By the time I was ready to leave, Vanessa was really pissed up.
    “Are you going to take me back to your suite, hot stuff?” She twisted around, almost sliding off the couch. I grabbed her arm before she embarrassed herself by face-planting on the floor of the bar. I smirked at her efforts to try and act sober.
    “Only if you want to…”
    She laughed. “You are one funny man, Gunther. Of course I want to. Wasn’t that already on the agenda for tonight?” She leaned into me and whispered in my ear, “I have been waiting all evening for you to whisk me away and give me some of that hard fucking you were talking about.”
    “I do believe it was. Just being cautious. I don’t want you to think that I’m trying to take advantage of you in your intoxicated state.” I looked over one last time, and Cock-up was leaning forward, elbows on his knees. His head turned in my direction and we locked eyes. He shook his head when I waved and smiled.
    Mission accomplished. I could leave and feel like that gave me the advantage. I helped a pissed up Vanessa off the couch and we left the bar.

    “You have got to be shitting me,” Henry grumbled as he shook his head.
    “What’s wrong…my sexy…lover?” Elaina hiccupped. She was drunk as a skunk. Then she grabbed his arm and curled around it.
    “That asshole from the gym. He was over there with Vanessa.”
    “Meh…don’t worry about him.” She exaggeratedly swooshed her hand through the air.
    “He just gives me a bad feeling,” Henry mumbled.
    Then what he just said registered with Elaina. “He was with…Vanessa?” She hiccupped again.
    “She…is such a…slutty slut slut.”
    Henry laughed. “Oh love, you are so drunk. I should get you home. And then take advantage of you, of course.” He smiled at her.
    “Well then, let’s go home…so you can take advantage of me.” She gave him a quick kiss. He was happy to oblige.

    Immediately after we entered my suite, I yanked off the frock Vanessa was wearing and started ordering her around like every real man should. I decided to strip down, as well…of my own accord, of course.
    “On your knees,” I growled at Vanessa, who was looking mighty dandy lying across the bed.
    “Maybe I don’t want to.” She nibbled on her finger while looking up at my towering naked figure. I grabbed her and flipped her over. She screeched and started giggling.
    “Now…on your knees,” I commanded.
    “Yes, sir.”
    Positioning myself behind her, I grabbed her hair and yanked her head back, causing her to gasp. “Sit back on me…now!” I held my John Thomas while she slowly accepted me into her heat. She moaned. I licked her from her collarbone to her jaw. Her body shuddered. “Now, fuck me.” She started circling her hips. I grabbed them. “Not like that. Fuck me, Vanessa. Like this.” I pushed her hips forward and pulled them back, slamming her onto me so hard that she yelped as J.T’s tip punched her inner limits.
    “Oh fuck, Gunther.” She rocked

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