Project Virgin

Free Project Virgin by Megan Crane

Book: Project Virgin by Megan Crane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Crane
for the rules we’d set. But I didn’t have it in me to point that out, or to push us back into solid ground. I’d tried that once already.
    “You could have done that hours ago. Just shove it in and be done with it. Problemsolved.”
    He didn’t smile then. His hands cupped my cheeks.
    “That’s not what you want, Scottie. If you did, you would have performed that particular surgical strike a long time ago. I think you know that.”
    I opened my mouth to ask him what he thought it was I wanted, then closed it again. Because I suspected he’d tell me.
    And because I already knew what he’d say, and I didn’t think I couldhandle it. Not here in this bed where something I’d been treating as a funny all evening was suddenly not funny at all. It felt a whole lot more like sacred.
    That notion terrified me. I told myself terrified was the only possible explanation for the wild, deep, intensely beautiful feeling that welled up inside me and threatened to sweep me away.
    He moved his hips then, the slightest swivel,and then the head of his cock was right there, at my entrance. I flushed hot. Then cold. I tried to breathe.
    I wanted nothing more than to look somewhere else. To hide my face. I did neither. I reached up to do something , maybe push him away, but only ended hooking my hands around his wrists.
    “Tell me to stop and I’ll stop,” he told me, and the calm tone he used almost disguised the tensionbeneath it. “You don’t have to go through with this. You don’t have to do anything unless it feels good. Tell me you know that.”
    “Damon.” I could only whisper his name. “I know that. Now please shut up. And do it, already.”
    He laughed. It was almost soundless but I felt it in his chest, and it rolled through me, too. And then he moved.
    He sank into me. I braced myself at that first, thick invasion,stretching me far more than I’d expected. Damon stopped. He waited until I relaxed, then pushed in a little more.
    This happened again and again. A thick and full advance until I stiffened or pulled in a breath. He’d stop and wait, then move again when I relaxed.
    His jaw got tighter and I could see sweat bead on his brow, but he never sped up. He never pushed.
    And then finally— finally— he wasseated deep within me.
    He shifted then. He moved his hands from my face to flatten them on the mattress and hold himself over me, sparing me the weight of all his sleek, solid muscles. I found that my own palms were braced against his chest, though I had no memory of putting them there.
    I felt drunk. I felt strung out and glorious at once.
    I felt him, so deep inside me.
    He was big and hotand so hard, and I could feel that slick intrusion radiating everywhere, as if he’d plugged himself into an electrical outlet and the current was setting me alight.
    My toes. My ears. My sensitive breasts. Everywhere.
    “Congratulations, Scottie,” he murmured. “You’re no longer a virgin.”
    I blinked up at him. Then I rolled my hips against his, sucking in a breath when that electricity went whitehot. And burned deep. His mouth curved and I didn’t want to notice the tenderness in it. I really didn’t.
    “What happens now?” I asked.
    Damon moved against me slightly. Gently. He pulled out a little and surged back in, then laughed when I flushed hot and red beneath him. The sensation might kill me. I kind of wanted it to.
    “Do you want to stop?”
    I realized what that sounded like, andmade myself move my hands from his chest. I only made it to his arms again, and dug my fingers into his rock hard biceps.
    “No,” I said again, somewhat less wildly. “Don’t stop.”
    “Then, Scottie,” Damon said, dropping down to put his face close to mine, “this is what happens. We have some fun.”
    And then he began to move.

Chapter Eight
    I t was slick, hard, perfect. It was unbelievable.
    I thought maybe I said his name. Maybe he said mine too, but I lost it somewhere in the slide and the

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