Hallowed Bond (Chronicles of Ylandre Book 2)
head. “Only you would couch it in those terms.”
    Dylen grinned. “By the way, what is this Tarqin mentioned last night about you retiring?”
    “Oh, I‘ve been thinking about it,” Hirlen admitted. “My holiday was so restful I find myself yearning for more time to do as I wish. I’ve set aside a goodly bit already so I won’t be a burden to you, Dy.”
    “You are not a burden!” Dylen protested.
    “And I intend never to become one,” Hirlen firmly said. “I know you have been saving much as well, and I applaud your prudence. But do it for yourself. You’ll never know when you may need every little piece you earn. Especially if the fates favor you and you wind up leaving the fraternity.”
    Dylen held up a hand. “Let’s not go there. I distrust false hopes. Will you tell Zarael
    “Of course. He deserves that courtesy after all these years. And he always treated me well even when I had to absent myself frequently during your growing years. But I doubt I’ll be much missed by anyone. Why, I haven’t gone to the Seralye every day this past year.”
    “You will be missed, Adda , and you know it,” Dylen good-naturedly chided him.
    “There are very few hethare left at the Seralye who remember the old days and all the gossip and intrigues of those times. I wouldn’t be surprised were Zarael to offer his services once more for the taproom parties should guests call for someone who can regale them with stories of years gone by. Retire by all means if you truly desire it, but don’t think you’ll be easily forgotten.”
    As he finished speaking, Riodan walked over and joined them.
    “Are you truly retiring, Teris- dyhar ?” he asked.
    “I’m seriously thinking about it,” Hirlen replied. “I should like to visit friends, too.
    Many of them did not settle down in Rikara after leaving the Seralye but went to live with their children in other fiefs. Eventually, I may do so, too.”
    Dylen looked at him startled. “Without me? You would leave me behind, Adda ?”
    “Only for a while,” Hirlen said soothingly. “You could join me should you choose to leave our profession.”
    “He could?” Riodan blurted. He reddened when father and son stared at him. “I mean I was surprised that you had even considered the thought, Teris- dyhar . Dy has always made it seem that he will remain a hethar into his later years. That is, he has never given me ho– I mean any indication that he could leave it much earlier.”
    His slip did not go unnoticed. Dylen reached for his hand and wove their fingers together. “If I haven’t spoken of it, it’s because I have never given thought to the possibility, that’s all.”
    Riodan looked down at their clasped hands. “But you will think about it now?” he murmured.
    Dylen pursed his lips. He looked a shade reproachfully at his father. “I will think about it, of course,” he finally said. “Ah, here’s Tarqin with supper. Let us eat, Adda , else we’ll both be late for work.”
    When Riodan went ahead to help Tarqin set the food on the table, Dylen gave his father a somewhat severe look.
    “What ails you?” the elder Teris asked.
    Dylen tartly said, “What did I just say about false hopes?”
    “Is Riodan’s hope so ill-founded?”
    “ Adda —”
    “He doesn’t harbors false hopes nor did I offer it. We simply spoke of possibilities.
    Nothing is set in stone, Dy, not even the best laid plans.”
    Hirlen raised a finger to his lips when they came within earshot of Riodan. Dylen snorted but said no more on the subject.
    Chapter Seven

    The last of the sun’s rays cast a red-gold glow upon the two lithe forms on the bed.
    Soon the lamps would need to be lit to banish the approaching evening’s shadows. But Riodan took no notice of the passing time and waning light, too rapt was he in his love play with Dylen.
    Riodan groaned helplessly as his ecstasy slowly mounted. He clutched at the pillow under his head, his back arching sinuously

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