Rebel Soul

Free Rebel Soul by Kate Kessler

Book: Rebel Soul by Kate Kessler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Kessler
    “I’ve never known you to say any more than two words in our whole lives Emily, when did you become such a smart ass and what are you two up to anyway, you know the family history, shit” Ed stomped on the floorboard and made a fist.
    Billy shook his head smiling, “Ah Ed, what are we up to,” he laughed “Were going to Tennessee Bro, to deliver some shine, for Dad.” Billy and Emily both continued laughing. Ed was clearly upset and reached to turn the radio on, tuning it in to the local Country station.
    “Light that joint that’s in the glove box there Ed.” Billy reached under his seat and pulled out a jar of strawberry moonshine. Emily saw the smile grow on Billy’s face as he raised his eyebrows. Then turned the lid to open it, took a drink and passed the jar to Emily. (Eric Church’s song Put a Drink in my hand) came on the radio and Billy began singing. “Go Billy sing it” Emily and Ed both cheered him on.
    “Nice voice Billy hit it. All you got a do is put” Emily chimed in singing with him, as she through her arms in the air dancing. He leaned in and kissed her.
    “Whoo, Yeah” She shouted. Ed and Emily started passing the shine to Billy every time he began the sentence “Put a Drink”, by the time he got out “in my hand”, the shine was in his hand. Then they would double over with laughter, slapping their knees.
    When the song ended “Oh Baby,” Billy laughed “Here’s your half of the hundred”
    Emily’s eye’s lite up “Oh my God” they both laughed as Ed looked at them and shook his head, but he was laughing to, and she thought he might be warming up to the ideal of her. Billy floored the gas as they hit the winding back road toward Tennessee. “We are going the back road baby, since we have a truck full of shine.”
    Billy drove fast, with one hand on the steering wheel and the other one on her leg. She wondered how often he took this trip, she was amazed at how well he took the curves, like a race car driver she thought. She was suddenly aware of his hand massaging her upper leg and she yearned for more of him, and didn’t know how much longer could she hold out, without losing herself with him? She rubbed her leg closer to his, as his fingers trailed up and down her leg. It felt good. She felt as if they could be of one mind, bold with him, or a risk taker, and she knew that she was changing, she could feel it in her soul. She did love him.
    They soon reached the Tennessee line, and Billy pulled off onto a dirt road traveling a mile or so. Then turned into the driveway of a rundown log house. Billy and Ed got out, unloaded the shine and Billy walked into the house, leaving Emily alone in the truck with Ed.
    He suddenly turned to her, she could see that the expression on his face had changed, serious now, his voice angry.
    “What the hell do you and Billy think you’re doing?”
    Emily was taken aback but was ready to hold her on “What do you mean Ed,” she knew what he meant but the shine had made her bold.
    His face was twisted with anger “You know what I mean, you are going to start a war, this little feud, will change to a war,” She thought she felt spit come from his lips.
    She was afraid he was right, but wasn’t about to let him know that, “You can’t blame this all on me Ed”
    “OH don’t you worry your pretty little head, Billy will hear about it to, you can count on that.” He answered her stiffly.
    Emily looked Ed in the eyes, “I’m not talking about Billy. I’m talking about this stupid feud. I don’t understand why I can’t see Billy just because of our ancestors. I love Billy, I can’t change that, and neither can anyone else.” She turned away from him, as Billy was walking back to the truck.
    “Let’s go guys”  Billy said as he opened the truck door, Emily threw her arms around his neck and grabbed him, putting her lips to his and gave him a long tongue twisting kiss, “I love you Billy.” She said as Billy smiled and

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