
Free Amore by Sienna Mynx

Book: Amore by Sienna Mynx Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sienna Mynx
Tags: Romance
got to his feet, and charged at his father again. Giovanni flipped Eve. He tickled her while Gino climbed on his head. Mirabella threw up her hands in defeat. She joined them on the king size bed.
    “ Grazie for the wake up call, Bella,” Giovanni chuckled.
    “ Prego, sweetheart. Your children wanted to wake you,” she said as she tried to stop Gino from jumping on top of the mattress. He then dove at his father landing on his lap. Giovanni would take hold of his feet and flip him again. “Stop playing so rough. Gino, you could fall off the bed and hit your head.”
    Giovanni heard her plea and gave in. He let the kids fight over him. He dropped back on his pillows and drew them all into his embrace. He had long enough arms to hold them. “Come sta, bambini? Eh?”
    The children spoke at once. He couldn’t hear one over the other. He laughed and pretended at understanding Gino. This was his boy. He could see it in his son even now. Of course he loved all his children, but Gino was special. He pulled him in for a bite on his cheek.
    “Papa! Listen to me!” Eve whined, trying to push Gino away. “I was talking to you!”
    “I’m listening, Lucciola. I always listen, mia cara .” He kissed her next.
    “Give me my baby.” Mirabella reached for the whining Gianni. He passed his son over to his mother. The boy silenced the minute Mirabella cradled him in her arms and put him to her breast. Giovanni took hold of Gino and Eve. Both kids sat on his lap but the two shoved at each other for dominance.
    “Okay, that’s enough. Be still.” He scolded them. He was a sucker for their pouting. So he tried to make them smile again. “Have you been good?”
    “Yes,” they sang and glared at each other.
    He looked over to his wife. “Has Ma-Ma been good?”
    “Nooooo!” they sang.
    He laughed.
    “Mama was on the phone, Daddy, all day!” Eve tattled. He glanced to his wife and she looked at her daughter surprised by the accusation. Eve nodded that the story was true. Giovanni felt a pang of guilt. There was a fight once in front of the kids when she spent an entire day on the phone with business calls, and dinner was left to Ana and Zia. He knew the kids heard them arguing but he dismissed it as a forgotten event. Eve was very observant. He wouldn’t allow her to disrespect her mother.
    “Mama was on the phone with me, Lucciola,” he smiled.
    “Oh?” Eve frowned. He shot Mirabella a wink and she cut her eyes at him unimpressed.
    “I brought your coffee,” she told him in a dry tone. Now she was pissed. He glanced over to see the mug on the nightstand. Steam swirled up and the aroma made his mouth water.
    “Thank you, my beautiful wife,” he said.
    The compliment softened her frown. Mirabella leaned in closer. She kissed his shoulder. “Spend a little time with them this morning okay? I need a break,” she sighed. She put Gianni on the bed. He settled on the pillow without complaint. “I’m going to go shower,” she waved him off and went into the bathroom. Giovanni had to give credit to his wife. She made sure he found time for all that was important. Gino eased out of his arms and started to jump on the bed. Gianni stood and began to jump with him.
    “Gino needs a spanking, Papa. Mama told him no jumping!” Eve huffed. “Look at him. He’s a bad boy.” Eve stuck her tongue out at her brother. The boys plopped down laughing, and stood and began to jump again. Giovanni kissed his daughter and hugged her. She began to tell him about her swim adventure. Resigned to the morning of father duties he listened. After a check of his watch he knew the time would cost him. Santo returned today.
    He needed to be ready to receive him.
    “Sveglia!” Lorenzo smacked Marietta on the ass. The pain jolted her awake. Her head lifted from the pillow. She tried to swing at him but he was off the bed and out of her reach. “What time does your friend arrive today, cara ?” he grinned.
    “That hurt!” she

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