Innuendos (It Had 2 B U Book 1)

Free Innuendos (It Had 2 B U Book 1) by V. Kelly

Book: Innuendos (It Had 2 B U Book 1) by V. Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: V. Kelly
of those women who used her legs to climb the ladder of power. I’m pretty sure she’s spent more time on her knees than actually working around the office. Kudos to her for that tactic getting her somewhere, but I do wish she wasn’t such a raging bitch all the time.
    “I’m almost done with them. I have two more left. I’m going to lunch with my roommate. I’ll be back in an hour. I am entitled to an hour break. Aren’t I?”
    “Of course,” she remarks. She eyes Max curiously, and a sinister smile spreads across her face.”
    “What happened to that hot accountant I always see you with? Did he finally see that you weren’t good enough for him?”
    Max immediately puffs up his chest, ready to defend me. I place a hand on his shoulder to calm him down and smile back at Georgette. I’m used to her bitchisms. I’ve actually made a spread sheet that corresponds with her current menstrual cycle. I found out that she’s pretty much in PMS mode for three weeks, and the one week she’s not, she’s only tolerable at best.
    “I’m still dating him, Georgette. I will let Travis know you sing his praises. See you in an hour.” Quickly I scamper out of the office, dragging Max behind me.
    “When you said she was a heinous bitch, I didn’t realize you meant soul-sucking harpy who needs to get laid.”
    “She does get laid . . . way too often. Our poor copier has seen horrible things over the past year and a half.”
    He snickers.
    When we get out into the lobby, I see Travis over by the front door talking to one of his colleagues. Shit, he can’t see Max. That would be terrible. I grab Max by the neck and pull him over behind a potted plant.
    ”What the fuck? What are we spies?” Max asks crouching next to me.
    “It’s Travis. He’s by the door. I can’t walk out with you. He’ll notice and then he’ll ask questions.”
    “Really? Aren’t we a little old to be playing hide and seek? Come on, Breezy. Why won’t you tell him about me?”
    “Because,” I quickly snap. “I can’t, Max, not yet anyway. I promise I will soon. I watch as Travis shakes the man’s hand and turns in our direction. Directly behind me the elevator dings, and I realize it’s our only escape. It will take us directly to the parking garage beneath the building and away from the eateries, but also away from Travis.
    I shove Max into the elevator. A woman coming out says, “excuse me,” rudely and loudly as I hit the button like five times, hoping to hell, that I can get the doors closed before Travis sees me. Thankfully they close just as Travis comes around the corner. He never notices me.
    “Geez, Breezy, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were ashamed to be seen with me.” Max looks a little wounded, but honestly I don’t care.
    “You know that’s not the case.”
    “You just don’t want me to meet Mr. Wonderful.”
    “Not yet. I’m not ready for Wreck-it Max to come in and demolish yet another relationship for me.”
    “Aww, Breezy, you know I’m more of a Fix-it Max. I repair that broken heart of yours, every single time it breaks. It’s my thing.” He bumps my nose and links his arm within mine.
    Ramming my shoulder into his, I smile and say, “Is it also your thing to wreck the stuff before you fix it? I’m pretty sure Miley Cyrus wrote a song about you.”
    “What do you feel like eating? It’s Thursday, so how do you feel about Chinese?” He ignores the opportunity to verbally spar with me and interjects with food options instead.
    “Chinese sounds wonderful. There’s a place around the corner. Well, once we get up these steps, that is.”
    We finish walking up the three flights of stairs that it takes to get back up to the street. By the time we get there, my calves are killing me. Max, of course, isn’t even affected by the exercise. It takes a total of five minutes to get to the Chinese food restaurant. Luckily, it’s a buffet, because my little detour through the building cut off my

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