Wolf Frenzy
spoke up.  “Maybe we should…”
    The one touching her brightened visibly, pale face widening into a space.  “Sure!  At least we’ll be getting
    Please, no,
she thought incoherently, as a pair of hands went for her zipper; a third hand reared back, forming a fist crowned with brassy knuckles.
    From very far down the alley, something snarled.  An enormous, hulking shape shot out of the darkness and slammed paws-first into the pair of attackers, knocking them both flying.  Kori fell onto her butt and then put her hands over her head, cowering as she peered between her fingers.  Barking and growling like thunder in a storm, a massive shaggy dog lunged past her with a flash of moonlight on fangs, snapping at ankles and wrists.  Screaming, one of the attackers shoved the other back to the ground as they tried to stand together.  The dog grazed teeth along the fallen one’s arm, and then sailed into a massive leap after the other, tangling his legs and knocking him down hard again.
    Snorting and prancing, the dog ran in wide circles around them until the pair found their feet; barking explosively, it chased after them like a shepherd rushing sheep on home.  As soon as they were gone, the dog turned and came back, standing over her with the moon pouring silken light across its pelt.
    Tail held down low and ears pricked up high, Kori slowly realized the dog was a wolf.  A wolf far more wild and free than she had ever seen at a zoo.
    And then, it wasn’t.
    Donovan Kane stood there, looking down at her with gleaming eyes.  And she only knew who he was because the man was impossibly famous.

Chapter 2
    He knew that look.  He saw it often.  In fact, he prided himself on being able to replicate it at social gatherings where he needed to win over the support of investors by being his charming self.
    Oh, yes.  Donovan was very familiar with the stare of recognition on this young woman’s face –she certainly seemed the typical female who kept track of his every move through magazines, and called him her “husband” as a private joke amongst friends- but this might have been the first time in his life he didn’t want to be recognized.
    I should have just stayed out of this
, he thought, but what kind of monster could have walked away from what he witnessed about to happen here?  Not him.  He might have been a werewolf, but a monster he was not.
    But now what?  Save her just to kill her?  That struck him as bitterly unfair.
    He crouched down in front of her.  She hadn’t moved, only stared around herself as though searching for some sign of the attack dog who saved her, struggling to make the connection.  “Hey,” he grunted, bringing her attention back to him.  “Are you okay?”
    She blinked.  Her eyes were flat and pale in the shadows cast by the high alley walls, but something said their color just might be beautiful in any other setting.  The rest of her was certainly no catch and her hair was too short for her round face, but he had to admit he appreciated her curves.  Curves everywhere, miles of touchable slope and rise.  Compared to the sharp angles and cartoonish proportions of the women he was used to seeing, this soft woman made for a welcome change in pace.
    Not that it matters.  I’ve killed before.
    “I-I think so,” she muttered, looking down at the ground.  She looked like a runaway, and spoke with the self-deprecating manner of the homeless.  Donovan snorted inwardly.  Just great.
    “Did you see where the dog went?” she asked doubtfully.  “He saved me.”  At the same time, her gaze kept flicking to him as if she was scared of looking too long and attracting his attention.  The presence of a billionaire did that to people sometimes.
    “No, I didn’t,” he answered cautiously. 
    “It was standing right where you were.  I didn’t see it run away…”
    “And what would you do if you had?” he asked, growing frustrated.  “Run

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