The Alpha's Mate:
smile off his face but her brain didn’t seem to want to connect to her mouth.  She simply nodded and stroked his hair.
    He chuckled, the low rumble resonated through her body intensifying the tingling she already felt.  “Speechless huh?  I should definitely give you as many orgasms as possible.”
    She growled at him like a she-wolf.  His sex twitched at the sound, eager for its own release.  Reluctantly he withdrew from her.  She mourned the loss of him, the feeling of warmth and completeness even his fingers could create. 
    Slowly she regained the power of speech.  “That was... so...”
    “Fantastic?  Amazing?  Incredible?  Earth shattering?”
    She sighed contentedly.  “Nice.”
    “Nice?!  That’s it?”  His wolf roared at him, demanded that he satisfy his mate.
    “Well it was over quite quickly... I’ll probably need a few more of them before I can really make a judgement...”  She batted her eyes at him innocently.
    God she was a minx!  “Sweetheart be careful what you wish for, I’m going to fuck you again and again until you beg me to stop.”
    “We’ll see fido...”
    He moved to plunge back into her sweet canal when he heard the door open.  Fuck, fuck, fuck!   He stood abruptly, his large body shielding his semi-naked mate from this intruder’s sight.
    “What the fuck are you doing?”  Adam snarled.
    Gabe averted his eyes and showed his neck in submission.  “I’m sorry Alpha, but Hans is about to kill Melody.”

Chapter Eight
    Rosalee crossed her legs self-consciously.  She didn’t like going commando.  She had to throw her panties away after their little tryst. Adam had practically shredded him .
    After checking that she was okay Adam had tore out of the office and back into the bar.  She had trailed behind him, after doubly checking that her clothes were all in order.  Didn’t want to give anyone a free show.
    Apparently Melody and Hans had both decided to go to the bar and buy a drink at the same time.  An argument had ensued and Melody had thrown a drink at Hans.  This time it had met its mark.
    The handsome young man Hans was with, who Rosalee found out was his brother Acksel, had tried to restrain Melody while Andy restrained Hans.  If anything that had made Hans even more angry .  Things had gone downhill from there.
    Gabe had gone to fetch Adam.   Gabe considered that an angry Alpha thoroughly annoyed at being interrupted with his mate was surely better than a torn apart witch.  At least Gabe had thought so, but seeing the murderous look in the Alpha’s eyes gave him second thoughts.
    Adam furious at being taken away from Rosalee had come back to the bar and roared at Hans to step down.  Hans had reluctantly submitted, and even Melody who was in no way accountable to the Alpha had acquiesced.
    Both Melody and Hans had now left the bar.  Much to the relief of everyone .  After the incident the bar had pretty much gone back to normal. 
    Adam’s ‘friend’ Julianne, much to Rosalee’s delight, had high tailed it out of the bar as soon as possible.  Apparently she wasn’t quite as comfortable with shifters as she thought.
    Mac and a few other wolves said their goodbyes and left.  The tension caused by Hans had left their wolves feeling a little restless and they decided to shift and go for a run.  Rosalee noticed that Andy stared after Mac.
    There were a few broken glasses and chairs, nothing major.  Kim said she’d make Hans pay for them.
    Adam reached an arm around Rosalee’s shoulders.  He was tired.  Lack of sleep from spending two nights awake watching over his mate and having to deal with another incident caused by a hormonal wolf was taking its toll.  Not to mention the sexual frustration he felt from having his mate so close, but not being inside her yet...  Time to rectify that.
    He leaned down to whisper into her ear.  “I seem to recall you issued a challenge earlier...”
    She looked at her questioningly before remembering

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