A Mate for the Beta:
a strong bond that didn’t diminish after she moved to Rose following her parent’s death.
    “Liv!”  He hugged her and she eagerly hugged him back.   Ed’s natural zeal making her forget her nervousness. 
    He gave her a lopsided smile.  “I’m a bit surprised you wanted to come here, you don’t drink.”
    Liv blushed and looked away.  Ed snorted with laughter.  “So it’s about a guy?  About time...”
    Ed had dated prolifically since he was 14, always older women with the one exception of his ex-fiancée Helena. Who, in Liv’s opinion, was best forgotten .
    Liv hadn’t dated .  Ed had tried unsuccessfully to set her up with a few of his pack members over the years, only managing her to agree to one with a sensitive young wolf called Devon.  As it turned out he was too sensitive and they settled with being friends, Ed suspected Liv needed to be pushed into a relationship by a dominant male.
    Liv wrung her hands.  “It’s hard to explain...  I’m not sure...”
    Ed held up his hand.  “You don’t have to explain, I’m happy to help any way I can .”
    Liv smiled at him.  Thank god for Ed, he never judged, never demanded explanation, he just supported her.  She was thankful they were friends.
    “ Shall we go in?  I’ve never been in here before.  It’s a pack bar right?”
    “Hmmm, yes .”
    Ed nodded thoughtfully and held the door open.  He whispered in her ear as she passed him, “abandon hope all ye who enter here...”
    Adam looked up to see Liv entering the bar in the company of a young man.  She was giggling.  His wolf grumbled.  Thankfully Alec hadn’t arrived yet so there was time to extricate Liv from him.
    He didn’t appear quite human.  Sniffing, he realised, the boy was a red wolf.  Adam didn’t have a problem with other species but Liv being in the company of another wolf wouldn’t go down well with his Beta.
    “ Liv, over here!”  Adam called out to her, beckoning her to his perch at the bar.
    The young man grinned and confidently strode through the bar pulling Liv behind him.  Liv looked like she wished she were invisible.  Good .  She wasn’t trying to attract any male attention.
    “Hi ” said the young man forwardly.  Ed sniffed and sensing the Alpha in Adam Ed bared his neck in deference.
    Adam nodded his head approvingly and held out his hand.  “Adam Grey, Alpha.”
    Ed took it and grinned.  “Ed Buchanan, lawyer.”
    Adam and Liv exchanged hellos.  “Can I get you two a drink?”
    They both said yes, Ed asked for a beer and Liv a soda.
    Adam motioned for Andy the bartender to come over.   Andy was a six foot nine bear shifter.  His imposing stature and demeanour belied his laid-back temperament.  It did however mean there were very few bar fights.
    Adam introduced the three of them.  Andy rubbed his jaw looking at Ed.  “Red wolf huh?  Don’t see many in these parts.   You from the Alexandria pack?”
    “Sure am , just visiting.  We don’t see many black bears in the city either, nice to meet you man.”
    Andy rumbled satisfactorily.  “You too brother, and you sweetie, I’ll get your drinks.”
    Adam relaxed a little.  Ed seemed like a good guy, and he couldn’t detect any feelings of arousal between him and her.  Liv was actually looking round the bar distractedly, she looked disappointed. 
    Watching her closely Adam said.  “Some of my pack members are joining me soon, I know that Alec shouldn’t be long.”  Her eyes widened and her breasts heaved but she didn’t say anything.
    “So how do you two know each other ?” Asked Adam nonchalantly.
    “We grew up together” said Liv, “our mothers were friends.”
    “Yep, I’ve known her since she was tiny... well she still is tiny.”  Ed oofed as Liv elbowed him.  “Her tiny elbows are like knives though, which came in handy when...”  Ed proceeded to recount a story of when they were younger and had decided to earn money selling lemonade by the side of the

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