Chosen to Be His Little Angeline
he took one last look at the creamy ivory skin of her backside before bringing the handful of branches down.
    The burst of jagged, biting pain caught Angeline so by surprise that she choked on her own scream. The sound that escaped was more a gurgling whine. Blackhurst continued to pepper her bottom with slash after relentless slash. Finally, Angeline found her voice and cried out in agony.
    "Oh god, it hurts! Please, oh god. Stop…you must…you must," she wept. Her pitiful attempts to avoid the thrashing rod by shifting her hips were thwarted by Blackhurst's restraining hand on her lower back.
    "I will stop when my little one's bottom has paid the price for her foolishness."
    Angeline's eyes were swollen and blurred with tears. Her palms ached from grasping at the rough bark of the birch tree trunk in a futile attempt to release her bound wrists and somehow save herself from this torment. When he had spanked her in the study, there had least been the intimate contact of his hand spreading an unknown heat as well as pain. It was not the same with the birch rod. The cold detachment of the branches made each stinging contact all the more painful. Her bottom felt as if it was covered with a thousand bite marks. It stung and itched and each excruciating throb made it worse, but still he thrashed her.
    As the skin on her bottom reddened and swelled, it stretched and became even more sensitive. Angeline could feel the agonizing scrape of each twig on each branch.
    "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please, it hurts. I can't take it. Please!"
    Her howling sobs fell on deaf ears. Angeline looked over her shoulder. Sweat glistened on Lord Blackhurst's exposed chest, and with his dark scowl and horns, at that very moment she was convinced he really was the evil, mythic Minotaur, and that this punishment would never end.
    Blackhurst did not believe in a set number of spanks and especially did not believe in having little ones count them off. In his mind, it allowed them to pace out the punishment. He felt it was far more effective if the little one had no idea when the punishment was going to end.
    Blackhurst looked down at the glowing red bottom of his little angel. The curve of each cheek took the brunt of his lash, each blushing a crimson red. Both showed some horizontal slash marks where a branch scraped her soft, sensitive skin, but it was nothing that would not heal in a day or two. He set down the rod and moved to kneel behind her.
    When Angeline saw him out of the corner of a bleary eye putting down the birching rod, she became lightheaded with relief. Sagging against her wrist bindings, she leaned her forehead against the trunk of the tree and cried even harder. Unfortunately, her respite from punishment was short-lived.
    Blackhurst placed a large hand on the center of each painfully throbbing globe and squeezed, hard. Angeline's threw her head back with a wail as her back arched. The full contact on her sensitive bottom was almost overwhelming.
    "Don't. Don't. Please, god. Don't touch me there!" she besought.
    " Mon amorette , I'm going to do far more than touch you," he warned as he relished in the heat radiating from her chastened bottom. Massaging his hands over the smooth curves of her bottom and upper thighs, he ignored her whimpers of distress. "I don't think you thanked me for punishing you, little one."
    Angeline sniffed as she tried to take in what he was asking of her. "You can't mean for me to…"
    "Thank Papa for your punishment, little one," he said, giving her sore right cheek a pinch.
    "Ow!" she exclaimed. "Thank you…Papa."
    "For what, little one?" he asked, stroking her raw bottom, giving her left cheek a similar pinch.
    "Thank you for my punishment, Papa," she said through fresh tears.
    "I believe you can think of a better way of thanking me," Blackhurst said. Forcing his hand between the seam of her bottom cheeks, he rubbed his two middle fingers over her cunny, discovering her secret shame. Despite the pain and

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