Chosen to Be His Little Angeline
breath coming in harsh gasps, he warned her, "Do not move. Keep your knees spread open. Papa wants to watch his hot cream as it drips from your bottom hole."
    Angeline was too emotionally drained and physically sated to even think of disobeying him.
    * * * * *
    Sometime later, after Blackhurst had cleaned her up and placed her once more in the now wrinkled-beyond-repair costume, they made their way out of the maze.
    Angeline looked up at his handsome profile. "I didn't know," she said softly.
    Blackhurst looked down at her sweet, heart-shaped face. "Didn't know what, mon amorette ?"
    She could still feel the warm heat radiating from her punished bottom as the soft fabric of her costume brushed against it. Angeline twisted her hands in knots, she hesitantly tried to explain. "I was angry when the maid told me I couldn't eat all the fancy things the other guests were and then when she said there was to be this amusement with scandalous costumes in a wonderful maze but I wasn't allowed to attend, I…well…"
    "You thought I was denying you a grand adventure," Blackhurst helpfully finished.
    "Yes," she responded forlornly.
    He caught her chin and looked deep into her troubled blue eyes. "My sweet little angel, the very last thing in this world I want to do is deny you pleasure. You have given my life new purpose. Watching as your body learns to respond to my touch, as you come to terms with your need to experience the pinch of pain to reach the true intensity of a release. Knowing it is I who will be responsible for your care and discipline. Trust me, little one, it is not my aim to deny you a grand adventure but to be your grand adventure!" he said with a smile as he gave her a quick kiss on the forehead.
    Angeline blushed prettily. After the haze of pleasure had waned, leaving only the throbbing pain of her punished bottom, she had begun to worry he would consider her too much of a bother for disobeying him. Each time he had disciplined her it had been for her own good, she realized, to save her from harm and from her own thoughtless inclinations. When he was not punishing her, he was wonderful and charming and so…so…she didn't even have the words to describe how he made her feel. All she knew was her whole world tilted when he was near.
    * * * * *
    On the way through the hedge tunnel, they passed another partially secluded nook. Angeline's eyes grew wide as she saw the elegant Lady Shackelton naked on her knees much as she had just been. Behind her, looking every inch the beast-like Minotaur was Lord Fairfax.
    "Brace yourself, Maddie my dear. It's time to test that loosened arsehole of yours."
    "Please, no, Duncan, it won't fit!" begged Lady Shackelton, rather unconvincingly.
    Lord Fairfax immediately gave her a stinging slap to her bottom, leaving a large angry hand print. "You don't say 'no' to me," he said, pushing his hips forward.
    Lady Shackelton's pleasured scream was her only response.
    Blackhurst ushered her away before she could see anymore.
    "Yet another adventure you will soon experience, little one," he whispered into her ear.
    Angeline did not know whether to be excited or afraid.

Chapter Eight - A Lesson In Swallowing
    Blackhurst dropped Angeline off at her rooms with very strict instructions to rest for the remainder of the day. She did not dare defy him, not even when the same maid from the morning returned at luncheon with a tray of cucumber sandwiches and sliced fruit with a glass of milk. Angeline did not so much as murmur, though she knew the rest of the guests were probably dining on much more luxurious fare in the dining room.
    Angeline dutifully stayed in her room, napping and doing needlework till it was time to take her bath and prepare for dinner. Tonight was the night of the formal dinner. Having, of course, only heard the fanciful tales of such dinners, Angeline could not wait to see all the silver plates, candelabras, flowers and fancy dishes for herself.
    She chose the

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