To Tame a Wilde (Wilde in Wyoming)

Free To Tame a Wilde (Wilde in Wyoming) by Kimberly Kaye Terry

Book: To Tame a Wilde (Wilde in Wyoming) by Kimberly Kaye Terry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Kaye Terry
veterinarian for the Wilde Ranch and Ellie had followed in his footsteps.
    The reason Sinclair identified with Ellie just a little more than Yasmine was that in addition to being an academic, as Sinclair had been, Ellie tended to be quiet, and had also grown up with only her father as a parent.
    She smiled, now, as she took out a mug from the small overhead cabinet and poured herself a cup of the coffee she’d brewed. Taking it, she sat at the small table in the kitchenette of her suite and recalled their earlier phone conversation.
    “Hi, ladybug, how’s it going?” Ellie had asked in her low-toned, melodic voice.
    “It’s going!” she’d said, grimacing.
    She’d laughed when Ellie replied, “Oh, Lord...what’s happened so far? That didn’t sound so good!”
    She’d briefly retold what had happened to her during her trip so far, making light of the entire thing. As well as glossing over the effect Nick Kealoha seemed to have on her. She was close to the Wilde women, but not ready to disclose how she felt about Nickolas Kealoha.
    She herself wasn’t even sure how she felt.
    “And how’s it going with Nick Kealoha?”
    The direct question had made her tense. Had Ellie somehow known about her odd relationship with the Kealoha?
    “Nate mentioned that he was your point of contact? Or are you dealing with the other brother...Keanu?”
    She’d felt her body relax. Ellie hadn’t known. Sinclair had briefed her on what had occurred, and asked Ellie to relay the message to the Wilde men that she’d met with the Kealohas and everything was on task.
    After that, she’d caught up on ranch life with Ellie. She’d smiled and given her loving congratulations when Ellie told her that she and Shilah recently found out they were pregnant.
    “How is he taking it?” Sinclair had asked, a grin on her face as she’d pictured Ellie’s husband watching her every move. Just as his brothers were when it came to their women, Shilah Wilde was fiercely protective of Ellie. Although she had a practice in the city, seeing domesticated animals of the town near their ranch, Ellie was not only the vet for the Wilde Ranch but would also lend a hand when needed on the smaller ranches nearby. The work could be hard and grueling, particularly when it was a difficult birth for one of the larger animals.
    Because of this, Shilah tended to...worry about her. And that was putting it mildly. The man was crazy about his wife, she knew, which seemed to be a running theme with the Wildes.
    Even before learning of the pregnancy, he would go with her when he could to help her in her practice, particularly when her father or one of her assistants was unable.
    “Oh, my goodness...don’t get me started,” she had said with a wry laugh. “Now what do you think, Sinclair?” Ellie’d then asked, sounding exasperated. But Sinclair knew that the woman loved every minute of her husband’s overprotective ways. The Wilde men were alpha men; no two ways about it, they protected what they considered theirs.
    “I can only imagine.” She’d laughed along with Ellie and listened as she’d filled her in on the other happenings on the ranch.
    Sinclair sat back in the chair and finished her coffee, the smile on her face slowly dropping as she thought back over the dinner she’d had with the Kealohas and what she hadn’t told Ellie.
    * * *
    Not knowing what to expect, Sinclair dressed carefully for her meeting with the Kealohas. Although he’d made it seem as though it were just a friendly meet-and-greet dinner at the ranch, in her mind, Sinclair firmly placed it in the business-only category.
    It was bad enough she was having a difficult time separating business from pleasure with Nick, thinking not only of their six-month-long...foreplay, she thought, blushing, but of their over-the-top explosive first meeting, as well.
    She still blushed thinking of their first meeting earlier that week. The way he’d been instrumental in taking feelings that she’d

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