The Bad Boy's Seduction (Bedding the Bad Boy Book 2)
at this point I don’t know how to change. I don’t know if I’ll ever stop missing her, but I do know this.”
    He lifted his gaze to Colt’s. “If I had the chance to go back and do it all over, even knowing I would lose her again, I would do it. I’d go back. Because there is nothing—no pain, no sadness—that can eclipse a love like that. It’s worth hurting for, worth everything you might have to risk or sacrifice to hold onto it. If I could just have one more day…”
    Colton swallowed, a lump forming in his throat. He’d known Tucker was crazy about Missy, but he’d never heard him talk this way. Seeing the older brother who had always been the strong, silent, keeps-to-himself sibling in their house full of loudmouths making himself so vulnerable brought home how important this conversation was to Tucker.
    He wasn’t sure what to think about the assumption that he was falling in love with Olivia—except that it didn’t strike him as crazy as it should have—but he wanted Tucker to know that his words hadn’t fallen on deaf ears.
    “I hear you,” he said, laying a hand on Tucker’s shoulder. “And I’ll think about what you’ve said. I promise.”
    “Don’t just think on it,” Tucker said. “Do something about it. If you’re going to go for it, go for it. If you’re not, get out before it’s too late.”
    Colton was about to joke that Tucker was making Olivia sound like a roadside bomb about to explode, but before he could speak, Daisy and Olivia reappeared, neither of them looking warmer than when they’d left.
    “The line is all the way out the door,” Daisy said, mouth turning down at the sides. “So we decided to call it a night. We’ve got the race tomorrow and should probably get some rest so we’re in prime form. Either of you guys want to take my turkey home? My oven isn’t big enough to fit an eighteen pounder and Olivia said one turkey is more than enough for her.”
    “I’ll take it back to Mom’s with mine,” Tucker said, rising from his chair. “With everyone but Dylan staying over for the holidays, she’ll probably appreciate extra food lying around.” He leaned in, pulling Olivia in for a hug. “Good to see you, Olivia. I’ll be cheering you on tomorrow from the sidelines.”
    “Good to see you, too.” Olivia turned back to Colt, smiling when she saw he already had both of their turkeys in hand. “Walk me home?”
    “Absolutely,” he said, his chest feeling lighter now that he was about to have her all to himself.
    And it wasn’t just because they were going back to her place to get naked. That was part of it—his cock hadn’t fallen off for God’s sake—but it was more than that. He was just happy that soon he wouldn’t have to resist the urge to touch her or hide how much he enjoyed being in her company.
    Not like you did a very good job of that, anyway, seeing as Tucker’s convinced you’re in love with the woman.
    The thought made his stomach feel unsettled. He had spent most of the day staring at the phone, wondering if Olivia was going to call. And he’d lain awake for hours the night before, replaying every touch, every kiss, and that troubling moment when she’d acted like what had happened between them was no big deal.
    And then he’d stopped by the boutique flower store—not the flower section of the Rocky Top Grocery—and bought her ridiculously expensive flowers.
    He had made out like the gift wasn’t a big deal, but that was only because Olivia had made it clear she wasn’t thrilled about him bringing flowers. In fact, she’d looked ready to bolt for her front door, while all he’d been thinking about was saying whatever he had to say to make her stay. He was usually good at telling girls what they wanted to hear, good at working the angles and getting what he wanted without getting in too deep.
    But he was beginning to suspect that he was already in too deep and, like Tucker had said, over his head.
    “What’s wrong?”

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