The Path of a Christian Witch
receive the angel’s gifts.
    It is by choice that I have not gone into detail on the people listed in this section. So much is written on these characters, and some of them have written such an imposing amount of works, that this titanic task is impossible. Nevertheless, we are seekers. I merely wanted to open the door to a new world, a new perspective on the world we thought we knew. Embrace them and get to know them. They will reveal themselves to you in the most blessed of ways.
    God as a Woman
    It was not until I reached adolescence that I realized how difficult it was, as a woman, to find a sacred expression of myself. The repercussions of this are tangible in every aspect of society. Our sexuality is repressed, childbearing considered a burden by the workforce. It is more difficult to find equitable work conditions, and often we are left with more work and less pay. As a Catholic I was also submitted to the preaching of men who knew nothing of what it was to be a young woman, a wife, or a mother. From a sociological point of view, I knew all this. I had read some feminist texts in college, and although I found the ideas a little exaggerated and the approach aggressive, I understood the need for the feminist voice. Yet it was not until the door to the Sacred Feminine was reopened to me that I realized how much we are thirsting for a different way of experiencing the world: a feeling, a vibration deep in our being.
    This exalted state of being that makes us vibrate in symphony with something other than ourselves, which makes us cry or laugh for no reason , this is the Goddess. This is the state of receptivity that brings us into a state of correspondence with the world. It is that state that lets us contemplate devastation and be truly moved from deep within our core. This is the seat of compassion. This is the seat of uncontrollable fury that can destroy all in its passage. It is where the desire for life resides, life in spite of everything. And always the unshakable faith and hope that we may see ourselves in the eyes of our neighbors and truly see the grandness of our condition.
    Until then, the Goddess wasn’t much more than a mythological figure, like so many Greek or Roman statuettes. Then one day I picked up the groundbreaking work of Merlin Stone. [5] I understood then the true reverberation of the Sacred Feminine. As I flipped through the pages of Merlin Stone’s book, I felt myself connected to a time of old when women were held sacred due to their status as life-giver and life-sustainer. In these goddess-worshipping societies, women could own businesses and land, participate in the political organization of their communities, choose their spouse, and lead people in worship.
    I realized how much I had been thirsting for the recognition of my divine purpose: that of giving and sustaining life. That golden calf, symbol of the life-giving goddess, had been destroyed to give way to the worship of manliness, war, hostility, and aggression. The corporate world still thrives on these principles in a futile chase to build empires made of paper. What is that compared to the power to give life, a power that both men and women share? Thousands of years later, women are still trying to regain the position that was ripped away from us when male deities overthrew Goddess worship. We all suffer the consequences. It is time to bring her home.
    The Femininity of God
    Was the Goddess still here among us? Could I still find her? How to make place for a Mother Goddess when the Father stands so large in the foreground? For me, visually, God was a man. But I knew that to be absurd. God had no body in the biological sense. He could not be male. I found that most theologians agreed with me: in God there is, in the sense of sexuality , no gender. Only certain factions of extremist Christians will argue to the contrary. As with most issues so far in my search, we were facing a problem of semantics. Most languages do not have a

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