
Free Jack by Amanda Anderson

Book: Jack by Amanda Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Anderson
my mom.  He didn’t have to kill her aunt Viki.  Why did he have to kill her?  I don’t even care about my legs, but I really miss my mom.  She would really love this.”
    Viki hugged him close for a long moment and tried her best to hide the tears that sprang to her eyes.  “Your daddy is sick in the head baby.  Your mom was so beautiful and so special that he just couldn’t stand to be without her.  I miss her too and you’re right, she would love today.”
    She leaned back so she could see his face.  “She would want you to enjoy yourself since she can’t be here with you.”
    He nodded seriously.  “I know.  She wasn’t selfish.  She wouldn’t want us to be sad would she?”
    Viki shook her head.  “Nope.  That’s one thing your mom did not like.  She wanted the people she loved to be happy so we need to do that for her don’t we?”
    He nodded.
    “Now eat so I can get you changed and in that pool!”
    His grin split his face and the dark clouds that had overshadowed his eyes washed away.  He dug into his food, but Viki felt eyes on her.  When she looked up Preacherman stood only a few feet away from her.  His eyes were glued to Bobby and his jaw was as hard as stone.  When he looked up Viki saw the fury in his eyes and he nodded to her.
    “Sounds like you are raising that boy right to me Viki.”  He cleared his throat.  “I want you to know that he’s safe here.  You have my word on that.  He ever needs anything you let me know.”
    “Thank you.”
    He nodded and walked over to crouch beside Bobby.
    Viki watched one of the most ruthless men in the world snag a chip from Bobby’s plate and talk to him just like he was part of the club.  Just like he belonged.  Bobby laughed up at him and batted his hand away. 
    It had been a long time since Bobby had belonged anywhere other than in their little apartment.
    Viki felt a familiar arm slip around her and for the first time in over a year she didn’t flinch.
    “Why didn’t you tell us about him?”  Lamb said quietly.
    “I didn’t trust you.  He’s all I have and he’s been hurt enough.  Why would I give you more to use against me?”
    He was quiet so Viki looked up at him.
    “I’m really sorry for all of it.  There’s no excuse.  I just didn’t see it for what it was.  I told myself you just liked the game of it.  Why else would you have been there, but I get it now and it makes me sick.  You ever need anything...just anything…”
    She bumped him with her shoulder.  “Thanks Lamb.  I really don’t hold it against you, not after the way you were with Bobby yesterday.  You are like a totally different person.”
    “Yeah.  It’s easy to be real around kids.  Not putting on a macho show for the guys.”  He looked down at her.  “I’m not a monster Viki.  I’m just a regular guy looking for a place here.”
    “I think I know that now.”
    “Might want to get your hands off my girl before I break them.”  Jack said in a voice that couldn’t be taken as friendly.
    Lamb stepped back and lifted his hands as a peace offering.  “Not stepping on your toes Jack, just making sure we are square.  You need help making things right, you let me know.”
    Viki caught the look Jack gave Lamb and the slight headshake.  She wondered what they were planning and ashamedly she hoped they were going after Jerry to even the score for Bobby, but she wouldn’t say so, but she wouldn’t discourage them either.
    Jack wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close as they both watched Preach show Bobby his forearm.
    “He tells the new kids something about that tattoo.  Not sure what, but he makes sure they know they have a place if they need it and they always have a man in their corner.  That’s not something many kids have.  I know I didn’t for a long time.  It takes away the fear.  Kids can’t carry that shit or they can’t be kids.”
    Viki watched Bobby run his fingers over an intricate cross that

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