Gunnin' for You (Rolling Thunder series Book 4)

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Book: Gunnin' for You (Rolling Thunder series Book 4) by Pj Fiala Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pj Fiala
his forefinger to his lips and whispered, “Shh.”

Chapter Ten
    After dinner, they hugged and thanked his family, and climbed on his bike to leave. Gunnar looked back at Emma and asked, “Are you tired, Emma?”
    Tired?  She had had her legs wrapped around his hips all day, smelling him, feeling him, touching him. No, tired was not what she was.
    “No. Are you? Did you need me to drive?”
    Gunnar burst out laughing. “No one drives my bike, babe. Not even you.”
    Emma was, once again, taken in by how beautiful he was when he laughed. And that didn’t even take into account how his dark hair and light blue eyes took her breath away. “Okay,” she said, “just checking.”
    “Climb on.”
    Emma climbed on the back of his bike, slid her arms around his waist, and gave him a squeeze to let him know she was ready.  She heard him chuckle and start the bike. They didn’t ride far before they pulled up to a dark house. Gunnar reached into the bag on the handlebars and pushed a button on a remote, opening the garage door. He drove the bike into the garage and hit the button again to close them in.
    He climbed off the bike and pulled Emma into the house by her hand. They stepped into the kitchen and Gunnar flipped on the lights. Emma smiled when she took in the oak cabinets and hardwood floors. The kitchen’s muted lighting cast a soft glow over the granite counters and rested on the stainless canisters neatly standing next to the stove of the same metal. Nothing was out of place, and it was warm and inviting. The French doors leading to what Emma suspected was a deck were dark without sunlight shining through. A table sat just before them displaying four sage green placemats—one for each chair tucked in under the table.
    “I’m going to take a stab at this and say you live here.”
    Gunnar smiled. “Yup. JT and I live here. Ryder used to, but as soon as he met Molly, he was gone.”
    “I never would have guessed bachelors would have such a neat and clean house.”
    “Well, it was my mom’s and my house before she met Jeremiah.  So, we can’t take credit for the decorating.  She came over and made sure we had a pleasant place to live. JT and I keep it clean, mostly because we’re both afraid of Mom.”
    They laughed at the thought of little Joci striking fear into those two big boys. Abruptly, Gunnar grabbed Emma around the waist and pulled her close.
    “I need you.” His voice was gruff and raspy.
    Emma’s throat was thick with emotion. “I need you, too.”
    Gunnar wasted no time.  He bent down and picked Emma up into his arms and carried her to his bedroom. He hit the light switch with his elbow, laid her on the bed, and went back to close the door. When he turned to look at her, Emma was lying on her side, leaning on her elbow watching him.
    “What about JT coming home? Won’t he know we’re here?”
    “Yes. He’ll know we’re here, but his bedroom is at the other end of the house and he won’t bother us.”
    “Do you have to hang a tie on the doorknob or something?”
    Gunnar chuckled. “No. He’ll just know. He’s been with us all day, Emma; he’ll know.”
    “Oh,” she whispered.
    Gunnar walked toward the bed and sat on the edge.  He watched her eyes as he opened her wrap sweater.  He could see her nipples beaded up under her cami.  So…fucking…sexy.  He ran his hands over her breasts and stopped with his thumbs over her nipples. Emma reached up and pulled the bandana off her head. As Gunnar’s thumbs roved over her taut peaks, she reached back and pulled her braid forward, never taking her eyes away from him. He switched between looking at her breasts and looking into her chocolate brown eyes. She watched him as she fingered the braid out of her hair. As soon as she had her hair loosened, she ran her hands through it and fanned it across the bed.
    Gunnar sucked in a breath at the sight before him. He slid his hands down to the bottom of her cami and pulled it up over her

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