Gunnin' for You (Rolling Thunder series Book 4)

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Book: Gunnin' for You (Rolling Thunder series Book 4) by Pj Fiala Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pj Fiala
head. The little piece of lace covering her breasts was so damn sexy. He ran his fingers over the swell at the edge of the lace.  Light blue against the color of her skin, it was the prettiest color he had ever seen. As he looked closer, he saw the front clasp on her bra and slid his forefinger under and snapped it open.  Using both hands to pull it wide, he bent his head and captured a nipple in his mouth and swirled his tongue around it before sucking it deep.
    Emma whimpered at the feel of his tongue on her breast.  He sucked her nipple into his mouth, causing her breath to catch.  His other hand massaged her other breast until he could lavish his full attention on it.  Emma’s hands plunged into Gunnar’s hair.  She felt the elastic band holding his hair back and pulled at it, releasing and fingering it until it fell forward over his shoulders.
    “So beautiful,”  she whispered as she watched his hair move across her breasts.  She wiggled her fingers into his hair and fisted it against his scalp, pulling him into her and holding his head at her chest.
    “You’re the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on, Emma.  Seriously.”
    Gunnar began kissing down her stomach, stopping to swirl his tongue in her belly button and continued the journey down until he reached the waistband of her jeans.  His eyes caught writing on her side and he lifted his head and looked at the side of her ribs on the left.  He saw a beautiful tattoo, cursive writing that read, ‘The pain you feel today, will be the strength you feel tomorrow.’  He lifted his eyes to Emma’s.  His forefinger traced along the tattoo as he swallowed to moisturize his throat. “It’s beautiful.”
    Emma smiled as she watched his face.  He leaned forward and kissed the tattoo as his fingers opened the button and lowered the zipper to her jeans.  He saw the same light blue lace covering the flesh he really wanted in his mouth.  Standing, he pulled her jeans down her legs and watched her watching him.  He began pulling his shirt over his head and smirked when he heard Emma suck in a breath.
    She muttered, “Wow.”  
    Gunnar unbuttoned his jeans and smiled as Emma lifted her back off the bed and rested on her elbows.  His eyes roved over her body, taking in the total package.  And what a package it was. Her creamy skin was unmarred and perfect. Her full breasts strained toward him, her nipples pointed his way. Her narrow waist softly curved into her hips, creating an hourglass shape. As his eyes raked down her body, she slowly opened her thighs, giving him a full view.  He hissed and lowered the zipper on his jeans as relief rushed in at releasing the pressure that he had felt most of the day. Eager to get them off, he pushed them down and let them fall to the floor in a heap.  He stepped out of his jeans and looked into Emma’s eyes as he rubbed his cock a few times over his boxer briefs.
    “Oh, God,” he heard her whisper.  Grinning, he never took his eyes from hers.
    He hooked his thumbs in his boxer briefs and pulled them down. Emma’s eyes went straight to his enlarged cock.  It was beautiful, thick, full, long, and so damn sexy. She couldn’t wait to have him in her.  Her tongue peeked out of her mouth and licked her lips as she watched him slowly run his hand up and down his turgid erection. He squeezed the head and a little bead of moisture formed at the opening.  His thumb swiped over the pre-cum and swirled it around the head, causing it to glisten in the light.
    “Do you like the way this looks, babe?”
    “God, yes.”  Emma licked her lips again.
    “Are you imagining what it’s going to feel like pushing into you?”
    Emma had to swallow to moisten her throat. “Yes.”
    Without warning, Gunnar reached up and pulled the lacy panties from Emma’s body, ripping them off her. He climbed up the foot of the bed, pushing her legs open wider with his knees so she was completely spread beneath him.
    “Lie back

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