Burned: Devil's Blaze MC Book 2

Free Burned: Devil's Blaze MC Book 2 by Jordan Marie

Book: Burned: Devil's Blaze MC Book 2 by Jordan Marie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Marie
let her know I’m okay. Now, I just need to get dressed.  I find my most comfortable pair of yoga pants and slip those babies on. I look longingly at Torch’s absurd t-shirt. What the fuck do I care if people stare at me? I want to smell him around me today. I’m not going to look at that too closely. I mean, the man rocked my world last night. What woman wouldn’t want to remember that the next day? I’m apparently real adept at lying to myself; it’s a skill I’ve honed over the years.
    I finish packing my makeup and toiletries and zip my satchel with a sigh. I’ve enjoyed Texas. Since escaping from the Snake and leaving France in our rearview mirror, Bethie and I have called quite a few states home. At first it was just Georgia and Kentucky because Bethie was intent on finding Skull again. After the bastard broke her heart, we broadened our horizons, figuring the safest thing to do was to get as far away from Georgia as possible. So far, Texas has been the best. We’re going to meet up in Oklahoma, but we have California in our sights. We figure we won’t stand out quite so much in a big city. We’ve gone over it and over it, but it doesn’t make it any easier. Then again, nothing in our lives has been easy. I used to think I was the one who had it worse, but not anymore.
    Bethie loves Skull. She loves him so much I hear her late at night crying in her room over him. What would it be like to find the love of your life, only to be torn away from him? And then finding him again, only to find him with someone else?
    Bethie says I’m strong, that she wishes she could be just like me. What she doesn’t realize is, she’s stronger than I’ll ever be.
    I shove all of these thoughts behind me. I’m putting off leaving. I know I am. Driving is hard on me with my leg, but I do need to get going. I check my things one last time, then grab my satchel, my laptop carrier and jacket, then head for the door.
    When I open it, I freeze. The last thing I expected to see when I opened the door was Torch.
    “What are you doing here?”
    “Holly?” Torch says, staring at me, just as shocked. I freeze. Fuck. I can see the exact minute understanding hits him. “That’s how you knew my name was Torch. You knew who we were and what I was doing here.”
    Bluff your way through, Katie. Bluff your fucking ass off, I repeat over and over in my mind.    
    “What are you talking about?” I ask, ignoring the other two who stand behind him. “You told me your name. Listen, it’s cute, you showing up here and all, but I’m running late.” One problem at a time, that’s all I can handle. I lock the door, turning my back to him and acting like I don’t have a care in the world.
    “Is that a fact?” asks Torch, and the tone of his voice makes me nervous.
    “Afraid so, but hey, maybe we could meet up later at the bar for lunch.”
    “Where are you headed… Holly? ”    
    The way he stressed my fake name doesn’t escape me, but I soldier through. I just have to commit to my lie; I have to get to my car and get the fuck away. I know these back roads better than anyone. I can lose them; I just need to get to my jeep.
    “Headed?” I call back. “Oh, my grandmother’s. She lives in Odessa and she’s feeling pretty bad. She caught a stomach virus and can’t seem to shake it. I’m going to go be with her for a little while, you know? Help go take care of her.”
    “That’s awful sweet of you.”
    “Well, I care for her. That’s what you do for family, you know?” I figure I’m about ten steps away from my jeep. Ten steps and I can find freedom. Ten steps .
    “Yeah, I get it. But hey, I have a question.” I ignore the way my heart speeds up in panic. Five more steps, just five more.
    “What’s that?” I ask, still walking. Four steps…
    “How were you going to have lunch with me if you’re going to Odessa?”
    Fuck! Three steps… Deep breath, Katie… Deep breath…
    “Okay, well, I guess I wasn’t

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