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Book: Fury by Jenika Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenika Snow
something he
could probably do right now anyway.
me see it, Shorty,” the club bitch said as she looked over her shoulder, this
sexual gleam in her eye. She shook her ass in front of him, bouncing that meat
right over his flaccid cock. He might touch the club girls, even make them
come, but truth was he’d never stuck his tongue or dick in any of them. He had
his own issues going on with that, but these used up girls were not his thing.
no,” he said and leaned back on the couch.
heard it’s huge,” she moaned and turned around, her big tits moving back and
forth as she shook her chest in front of him.
it is.” He didn’t deny he was packing a big fucking cock. Being known around
the club as sporting a nearly ten-inch pecker made him a legend around the MC,
even if none of the females actually saw it. But his former life, before the
club, was pretty fucked up, as was the case with the majority of the club
members. Maybe that’s why they all worked so well together and became a family?
They all knew what fucked up was.
club whore stopped moving and looked him up and down, this confusion on her
face. “You like guys or something?”
lifted a brow. “What the fuck does that matter?” He didn’t like dick, but it
shouldn’t have made a difference. Shorty had known plenty of hard ass guys that
were into strictly cock. Didn’t change who they were or the respect he had for
shrugged. “It doesn’t matter, but it would explain why no one here with a pussy
can get that monster you’re hiding behind your pants up and at attention.”
didn’t move, just stared at her as he puffed on the joint.
all know you haven’t fucked any of us. Makes us wonder if you like dick instead
is all.” She shrugged but kept dancing for him.
was getting tired of this fucking conversation. “Fuck off, bitch.” Shorty
wasn’t gay, but it shouldn’t have mattered anyway. “Ever think I just can’t get
hard for loose twat?”
stopped dancing and huffed out, but he could have fucking laughed that she was
offended. She was a club whore, a woman that had no issues with spreading her
legs for any of the MC guys that crooked their finger. That’s what all these
women at the club did, and they eagerly begged for more with hopes that one day
they’d be an old lady.
she didn’t move to get the fuck back he stood to his full six-foot-six height,
not trying to intimidate her, but just trying to get the hell away. He didn’t
get the name Shorty because he was petite. “I said fuck off.” She still didn’t
move, but now had her hands on her hips and her lips pursed. So he was the one
to fucking move away. He didn’t have time for this bullshit. He walked past her
and went to the bar. Shorty was running on a handful of hours of sleep over the
last two days, was drunk, high, and had blue balls. He might not fuck these
women, or get aroused by them, but that didn’t mean he didn’t want to be balls
deep in some warm, wet cunt. He just had his own issues to work through, and
getting involved with a woman, especially a club whore, was far down on his
list of priorities.
took a shot for the road, and headed down the hallway to the room he was
crashing in for the night. Once the door was shut behind him he got undressed
and headed into the bathroom, cranked on the shower, and stepped in before it
warmed up. Shorty braced a hand on the wall, closed his eyes, and breathed out.
He thought about having a woman pinned down beneath him, seeing her wide eyes
staring up at him as she didn’t know what in the fuck was going to happen.
She’d slap him, bite him, give him hell, and he’d relish all of it, fucking get
hard because of it.
felt his dick get hard as those visions played through his mind. He didn’t
doubt he could find a willing woman at the club to slap and hit him, to act
like she didn’t want it. But that wouldn’t get Shorty off. He liked

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