A Debt Paid

Free A Debt Paid by Joslyn Black

Book: A Debt Paid by Joslyn Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joslyn Black
her fiancé was holding back.
    Calix wanted to be more vigorous
and more aggressive. Every so often he
started to move faster, but then he would
remember her soreness and would squeeze
his arms tight around her, or he’d bite
down on her neck or the tops of her
breasts. Then, he would slow down and
ease up.
    The strange thought that he was
being sweet and tender passed through
Anya’s mind. Calix was of a selfish nature
and though he wanted more, he was
denying what he wanted so as to not cause
Anya discomfort. At this very moment,
though, she felt no discomfort; she only felt
the tight friction of sensation building up
inside her. He was very different from this
morning when he took what he wanted.
But then she thought of how he must have
taken her terms: he’d told her he had
waited years for her. To have all that
caring, wanting, yearning, and craving pent
up and held at bay for years, only to see the
object of your affection recoil at the very
thought of being touched by you. She saw
his side then; she understood why what
happened this morning happened. But just
because she understood didn’t make what
he did acceptable, even though he’d
apologize after, and he did seem
remorseful when he cleaned her. She knew
a man of his stature and power must not
apologize often, so his doing so was
    “Ahhh, Anya.” His mangled groan
brought her thoughts back. Calix still had
his head buried in her neck, breathing hot
and heavy against her skin. She could feel
the tension building in is his body. Calix’s
movements were more rigid and awkward;
he must be close to his release. And, for
some strange reason that she didn’t want
to think too hard about right then, Anya
wanted him to have all his pleasure. She
tightened her hold on his hair and pulled
his face out from her neck, so she could see
him. His breathing was really labored, and
a light sheen of sweat dotted on his
forehead. When their eyes finally met, her
voice was low and husky. “Faster,” she
    Calix’s eyes widen slightly in
surprise at hearing her request. He was so
close, and she felt so good. He didn’t want
to hurt her, but he wasn’t going to deny her
request, especially when it was something
he wanted as well. He pushed her harder
against the wall for more support and
lowered his hands from her hips to the
cheeks of her ass and let himself go. He
pounded up into her over and over again.
She started to feel her own quickening
response. She was going to come. They
were going to come together.
    Her orgasm hit her hard and fast.
She lowered her face into his shoulder to
try and muffle her wails. Hearing her moan
with pleasure at her climax and knowing
that she had actually initiated this coupling
doubled his arousal, and her tight warm
wet cunt was the best thing he’d ever felt in
his life. As she came, he thrust once, twice,
and on the third thrust he achieved his own
“Oh God, Anya! Ahhhhh!”
    They stayed there for a minute or
two, collecting themselves. When the
moment came for him to pull out of her and
put her down, he did so slowly. His cock
glimmered with their combined fluids. He
looked down and saw that his semen was
dripping down her thigh. He didn’t like
seeing his essence wasted. She wouldn’t get
pregnant with it dripping down like that
obviously. But, then he thought, Doesn’t
matter . He’d filled her womb three times
already today. He was positive one of his
semen would find the egg inside her womb
and connect, starting the wondrous growth
of their child.
Chapter 9
    Calix surprised Anya by picking her
up and heading toward her bathroom.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m taking you to the bathroom, so
we can shower before bed.”
    Entering into her bathroom, he
stood her up next to her shower. “Turn the
water on,” he instructed as he started to
empty his pockets. Before setting his phone
down on the bathroom counter, he sent a
quick text to his

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