Alpha Knows Best (Wicked Good Witches Book 2)

Free Alpha Knows Best (Wicked Good Witches Book 2) by Starla Silver

Book: Alpha Knows Best (Wicked Good Witches Book 2) by Starla Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Starla Silver
in again, this time all at once and deeply. His grip loosened from around her hips. He leaned over her, hands sliding into hers raising them over her head. Melinda found herself imprisoned against the granite and trembled at the sparks this thrill ignited.
    Lips played with each other. Moans soaked up by the waterfall splattering onto the water and granite. Riley sank into her tight flesh, dragging himself out and sinking deep inside. His body skimmed across her sensitive peaks, each touch of his skin igniting a fire that got her blood simmering.
    He pushed in deeply, pulling out and slamming into her. Faster. Harder. She moaned with each attack, her breaths growing more frantic.
    “Riley.” She gasped, a blood-tingling vibration ricocheted through her core. “I think I’m… Oh my God!” She let out a frenzied exhale.
    He freed her arms grabbing her thigh, pulling her body to meet his final thrusts.
    Her legs quivered. Her pulse soared, her skin set ablaze as her blood boiled over.
    Melinda wrapped her arms and legs around him, letting the explosion consume her.
    Riley grunted through his teeth, shooting his release with a series of uncontrollable spasms.
    Their eyes met and locked. 
    Melinda had no words.
    Why couldn’t this have been her first time? This should have been it. Why couldn’t she have met Riley months ago? Why had she been so impatient and let jerkwad have her? She decided whatever he’d done to her, it did not count as sex. This was her do-over. Riley had officially taken her virginity. It was the first time she’d had an orgasm that wasn’t at her own hands.
    “I had no idea it could be like this.” Riley beamed, out of breath. “You’re so beautiful, Melinda.”
    A strange feeling grew in the pit of her stomach, drowning the perfect bliss she’d been bathed in. What was it?
    Shame? Fear? Was it too much, too fast?
    Was she feeling guilty because part of what had drawn her into a stranger’s arms, was William? And now this stranger was suddenly claiming every part of her being for his own. For a moment, she had completely forgotten they were naked in a quarry. The rest of the world washed away. All her problems and concerns just vamoose… she’d never given herself over to someone so completely. Ever.
    So why did this pit suddenly open, threatening to swallow her whole.
    “I…” she didn’t know how to express her feelings.
    Riley got to his knees, bringing her up with him. He adjusted himself so they sat facing each other.
    “What just happened?” He tapped her head gently. He wasn’t angry or harsh, but curious.
    “Far too perceptive,” she said, lowering her head. “I’m letting old issues get into my brain, that’s all.”
    “So… it was good for you too then?” he grinned confidently, already knowing her answer. But she wanted to give him the affirmation he deserved. Melinda grabbed his lips, bringing their bodies together. No shame. No guilt.
    He grabbed her and slid across the granite, leaning against a wall and tucked her onto his lap. Sun shined down, warming them. Mist and steam still hid them from view. She placed her head on his chest, running circles with her fingers across his skin.
    “You’d better be careful,” he warned.
    She chuckled, but stopped. Her breaths nervous. “Thank you.” He didn’t respond. She looked up to a confused look on his face. “For caring about what I wanted. And listening. For not just leaving me right after.” Like you were doing me some kind of huge favor… She tore her gaze away. She shouldn’t have said it. It was needy. Too serious.
    “I love knowing what you want, Melinda. It’s a big turn on actually. But why would I just leave you?”
    She shrugged. Old inhibitions returning.
    It took him a second, but he finally heard what she didn’t say. Thanks for not making me feel cheap. Thanks for not making it all about you.
    “Hey,” he picked up her chin. “Any guy who would treat you like that is a jackass who

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