
Free 1416934715(FY) by Cameron Dokey

Book: 1416934715(FY) by Cameron Dokey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cameron Dokey
mother’s door.
    “I have heard of Constanze d’Este,” Amelie went on softly. “Whispers of her name were everywhere when we were at court, particularly on the day my mother and Etienne de Brabant spoke their wedding vows. Constanze d’Este’s beauty had no equal, I heard them say, and the loss of her tore a great hole in Etienne de Brabant’s heart. One that has never been filled, and never will be.”
    She turned her head to look at me. “Does that mean his heart is empty, do you suppose?”
    “I honestly don’t know,” I said.
    Amelie let her hand drop. “Nor do I. And neither, I think, does Maman, not that it will make much difference, in either the long or the short run. There is no chance of love between them. Maman’s heart is not whole, either. The king has seen to that by breaking his promise.”
    “I don’t understand,” I said. “I’m sorry.”
    Amelie stood for a moment, gazing at the locked door. She seemed to have completely forgotten the fact that I was a servant, so great was her need to confide in someone.
    “My mother and the king grew up together,” she said. “Both made marriages of state, though I think my parents’ marriage was happier than the king’s ever was.When my father was killed in a border war, the king made my mother a promise that, if she married again, it could be for love.”
    “Then why did he marry her to Etienne de Brabant?” I asked.
    Amelie sighed. “That is a very good question,” she said. “I think it is because he is the leader of the queen’s faction at court. With the queen’s brother on a throne of his own now, who can say what brother and sister might plot? But if Etienne de Brabant were married to someone loyal to the king, someone he trusts . . .”
    She broke off and shook her head. “But my new stepfather is clever. As soon as the marriage festivities were over, he packed us up and sent us off. My mother can hardly keep an eye on him from this great distance.”
    “So the king has accomplished nothing,” I said softly. “Save betraying your mother’s trust.”
    “That’s it exactly,” Amelie replied. “She’s stuck in a loveless marriage, and we’re all stuck here, so very far from home.”
    “Spring is coming almost any day now,” I said. It seemed paltry consolation, but surely it was better than none. “Things will get better then. I promise.”
    My stepsister gave me a trembling smile. “Thank you, Cendrillon,” she said. “You are really very kind. But for obvious reasons, I think I would prefer it if we avoided making promises, at least for the time being.”
    Before I could answer, she drew in a deep breath, and stepped back from the door. “But what am I saying?” she said, as she turned away. “Of course things will be better when the spring truly comes. Spring works wonders everywhere, don’t you think? And naturally you will not mention the conversation we have had today to anyone.”
    I opened my mouth to give an assurance, but Amelie had already set off down the hall.
I am back to being a servant,
I thought. At the landing at the head of the stairs, Amelie halted abruptly.
    “Where is Constanze d’Este buried? Do you know?”
    “In her garden,” I answered. “On the far side of the house. I can take you there, if you like.”
    “I believe I would like that,” Amelie said slowly.
    “But not today. Today I have discovered quite enough.”
    “In April, when the daffodils bloom,” I suddenly blurted out.
    Amelie’s eyebrows rose. “That sounds lovely, thank you, Cendrillon. I am fond of daffodils. There are great fields of them where I grew up.”
    “Where is your home?”
    A strange expression flashed into Amelie’s eyes. There and gone so quickly I didn’t quite have time to figure out what it was.
    “This is my home, now, Cendrillon,” she said.
    Then she turned and was gone.

    Spring came in a great and colorful rush. In April the daffodils bloomed. In May, the peonies. In June, the

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