Chapter One
    Ivy Amelia Hector froze when she entered her parents’ home. “Is this an intervention?”
    Her mother scowled. “Come in and sit down, Ivy Amelia. We have something to discuss.”
    The use of both names was a warning sign that her mother was on the fine edge of her temper. Ivy stepped inside, removed her shoes and took the only available chair in a room full of her relatives. “So, what is up?”
    Daisy Hector straightened. “We have spoken together and it has come to our attention that you have dodged every attempt to fix you up.”
    “I have been busy.”
    “For the last five years?” Her father frowned. David Hector didn’t speak often, but when he did, she listened.
    “Well, I didn’t mean to dodge, precisely.”
    Her mother lifted a clipboard. Oh this isn’t good.
    “You have given alibis for every attempt to set you up with a nice male of our species and found any number of creative ones that no one could corroborate.” Her mother scowled at the clipboard. “You have had twenty-four menstrual cycles in the last twelve months, three ingrown toenails, four friends who needed emergency comforting after being dumped, nineteen lost cell phones in the last three years, and then, we get into the not so plausible excuses.”
    Her mother set down the clipboard. “This has got to end. You have to at least try to meet someone.”
    Ivy sighed. It was an exhalation of resignation. “Fine. If you or Aunt Petunia have someone to set me up with, I will go.”
    Daisy shook her dark head. “No, it has gone far beyond that. You are going to the Crossroads, Ivy Amelia. You will stay there until you find a mate, so take your time and make the right choice.”
    Shock ran through her. “You are kidding. I can’t just take off to the Crossroads. I have a job to do.”
    Her father smiled, “I have spoken with your boss, and Quenella is willing to let you take one month off. Apparently, you are ahead in your reviews.”
    Fear gripped her. “What if I don’t find the one for me in a month?”
    Her parents, aunts and uncles looked at each other in silent communication. Her mother finally sighed. “You come home, and we will never speak of it again. You will be able to live your solitary life, and we will go on with ours. You will be welcome in the flock.”
    Ivy sighed. “Then, I will go. Where is the transporter?”
    David got to his feet. “She is in the kitchen. We have prepped a bag for you, and your mother will take care of your plants.”
    Ivy got to her feet and looked at the woman who was leaning casually against the counter, sipping a cup of coffee. “Hello.”
    “Hello, Ivy. I know that this is a bit of an ambush, and the woman waiting for you on the other side will give you a full rundown of what you need to know. For now, here is your medallion. It will let you buy what you like in the Crossroads. Your family has provided feathers for your passage, but I need one from you. Just in case of emergency, I want to be able to find you.”
    “Um, fine. What is your name?”
    “Oh, where are my manners?” She extended her hand. “Krisia. Master Transporter.”
    Ivy shook her hand with her right while the left snuck behind her head to pull out a feather. She showed it to Krisia and smiled, “Will this do, Krisia?”
    “Lovely. I haven’t worked with swans before. Your family must be desperate.” Krisia opened a vial and stuffed the white fluffy feather into it.
    “Swans pair off early and stay that way, though the combinations occasionally change.” Ivy bit her lip. “What happens now?”
    Krisia reached out and tied a small medallion to her wrist, a feather was embossed on it. “This is linked to a charge account your family set up. Bill what you like to it, and it will be reflected in the normal world.”
    “What about a place to stay?” She lifted her wrist close to her face and stared at the small object that was worth so much. “Will this shift with me?”
    “Yes, it will shift with

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