Used by the Russian Mafia Boss: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance

Free Used by the Russian Mafia Boss: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance by Bella Rose

Book: Used by the Russian Mafia Boss: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance by Bella Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Rose
top of the hill and the trees, Dimitri stopped. He pulled her deliberately into a shadowy spot between two large leafy, low hanging branches.
    “Horny teenagers?” he said mockingly. “I’m not sure I ever was one of those.”
    She raised an eyebrow. “Perhaps there’s always time.” It occurred to her that she was actually baiting him into kissing her. Why?
    Then he slipped his arms around her and it no longer mattered what her motives were. Dimitri’s lips took hers in a long, lingering kiss. He coaxed her mouth open. When his tongue slid inside to rub against hers she moaned and leaned into his hard body. She wound her arms around his neck and kissed him back with abandon. Her eyes were closed and every fiber of her being was focused on this moment and this man. Right here and right now it no longer mattered what had happened to her mother. Her father’s motives were ash, and she was free.
    Dimitri’s hands slid down to cup her ass. He pulled her flush against his body and she felt the hard ridge of his erection nestle in the vee of her pelvis as though it was meant to fit there. Everythign south of her navel tingled with excitement. Her core grew hot and wet. She stood on tiptoe and deepened the kiss. She pressed her own tongue to his, tangling them together as the two of them fought for dominance. This was what she wanted. To lose herself in this man and forget for a moment that there was anything in the world that could ever keep them apart.
    Dimitri stepped away as though burned. He moved so quickly that Toni was left kissing air. Thankfully at the last minute he grabbed her or she would have face planted into the ground. She was about to give him hell when she realized that Katya was standing about ten feet away, staring at them.
    DIMITRI COULD NOT tell if his sister was amused or angry and that was most likely due to the fact that he could not seem to get a grip on his own emotions. He was everywhere right now. His arousal was so fierce that he was certain his cock must be tenting the front of his trousers in a most embarrassing manner. Yet he was feeling fiercely protective of Toni as well. He gazed at his sister, practically daring her to say something negative about Toni, but the censure never came.
    “So,” Katya said conversationally. “I guess I wasn’t the only one who decided to get some fresh air and enjoy the beautiful evening.”
    “Apparently not,” Dimitri murmured. He noticed that Toni’s face had turned bright red. But something in her expression suggested it wasn’t embarrassment that had her tongue tied. He shoved it aside for now and focused on what he needed to know from Katya. “Since you’re not willing to just spill the entire story. I’ve decided I’ll just come ask you questions as I think of them.”
    “All right,” Katya murmured, her gaze growing wary. “What do you want to know?”
    Dimitri took a deep breath. He hated the idea that he might injure Katya’s feelings, but he needed to get some facts straight. “Did Rustikov promise to marry you?”
    “So why have a baby with you?” Dimitri demanded. “It makes no sense.”
    “He wanted a son. His wife was unable to provide him with one.” Katya shrugged.
    Something still bothered Dimitri about this ridiculous plan. Several things actually. “If he wanted a son, why take the chance that you might have a girl?”
    Katya shrugged. “That was a chance he was willing to take.”
    “And now that he’s decide he doesn’t want the baby at all?”
    “You and Anatoli are the only ones having a problem with that,” she said sharply. “I don’t know why the two of you won’t accept that I have no problem with the decision that Boris Rustikov made. This is my baby. I’m excited about it.”
    Dimitri shook his head. “You’re an unwed mother. It’s disgraceful.”
    Toni gave a derisive snort. “What century are you living in?” she said irritably. “Honestly, if the girl wants to

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