Used by the Russian Mafia Boss: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance

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Book: Used by the Russian Mafia Boss: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance by Bella Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Rose
lowered his hips to rest between her spread thighs. His cock nestled against her sex and he felt the heat of her arousal bathe his shaft in her cream.
    “I want you, Dimitri!” she gasped. “Please, take me. Make me yours.”
    He could feel her moving her legs restlessly against his. Her feet caressed his calves and the insides of her thighs brushed the outside of his. His cock was throbbing. Precum spilled from the tip and he was more than ready to sink inside her. Still, he waited.
    He kissed her again, thrusting his tongue inside her mouth to mimic the rhythm of sex. And this time when he felt the tip of his cock probe her damp entrance, he pressed forward. Still kissing her, he sank his shaft deep inside her body until his balls were pressed against her backside and he felt the tip of his cock rubbing against the sweet spot inside her body.
    Forcing himself to go slowly, Dimitri made deliberate strokes in and out of her pussy. He felt the tightening of her inner muscles. He watched the way her face grew taut as she climbed closer and closer to her peak. Her fingers dug into his shoulders and he reveled in the pain. This was what he wanted, the raw, primal sensation of joining with Toni. He knew there was no better drug in existence.
    A low thrumming sensation began in his veins. He closed his eyes, unable to keep them open as the onslaught of sensual delights overwhelmed him. A fine sheen of perspiration coated their bodies. Their skin rubbed together and the only scent in the room was the combination of his essence combined with hers.
    DESIRE PUSHED TONI to the stars. She reached up, cupping his cheeks as she watched the emotions flit across his expression. Her body was on fire with the need to feel this man come inside her. She arched her back and pushed into his thrusts. The resulting zing of sensation made her gasp with pleasure. His shaft skidded across the pad of muscle just inside her pussy entrance. The friction was perfect. She wrapped her legs around his waist and met him thrust for thrust as he sent her spiraling toward completion.
    She reached above her head and twisted her fingers in the sheets. It was as if she were coming apart at the seams. Every fiber of her body was tuned to this man and this moment. Her inner muscles clamped down hard on his cock. The wait for climax became excruciating. Still, she wanted to hold off. She didn’t want this to end. Then she felt a tremor begin in her lower back. The tingle spread through her legs and then her arms until even her fingertips were alive with sensation.
    A gasp slipped out, and then a scream. She heard high pitched moans and screams in the room and she barely realized that she was the one making the noise. Each stroke of his cock into her pussy was pleasure and pain combined until finally she felt the cresting wave and knew she was poised on the edge of bliss.
    “Come for me, Toni,” Dimitri said roughly. “Take me with you. Make me come. I want to feel you fall apart all around me.”
    His words seemed to push her over the precipice. Intense waves of feeling made her shout and gasp as her orgasm hit hard and fast. She trembled, her entire body quivering as the most intense climax of her life left her breathless and almost incoherent.
    She felt Dimitri surge inside her. The warmth of his seed spilled into her body and she savored the feeling it gave her. She loved the idea of his marking her as his own. And when he finally shuddered and collapsed on top of her, Toni wrapped her arms around him and gently threaded her fingers through his hair.
    Tenderness stole through her and she felt the strangest sense of longing. She didn’t just want this man on a physical level. She wanted more. It seemed so insane given everything that had happened. Their lives were so tangled. In fact, they were entwined in ways she wasn’t sure she understood quite yet. But that didn’t—no it couldn’t—change what she felt for him.
    “That was amazing,” Dimitri

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