An Unconventional Courtship

Free An Unconventional Courtship by Becky Lower

Book: An Unconventional Courtship by Becky Lower Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becky Lower
placed a hand on her heart.
    “From the moment I first got a glimpse of you, when I was on the top of the omnibus, my fate was sealed. May I speak to your father?”
    “You know as well as I do that a proper courtship should last at least a year. We’ve barely known each other a few months.”
    “Yet when you meet a person you’re meant to spend the rest of your life with, shouldn’t you act upon it? How many men were on the omnibus with you that day? Why did we connect as we did? Why did I happen to be walking nearby when you needed my assistance with Mrs. Beasley? Why did your father choose my bank to place your trust with? Don’t you see? Fate has indeed directed us to one another. We’d be fools to ignore it or to waste a year on a proper courtship. We already know we’re perfect for each other.”
    When Charlotte smiled at him, and the sun broke through the clouds, he thought he’d entered heaven.
    “I suppose you’re right, Mr. Fitzpatrick. There do seem to be a great many coincidences that have happened between us.” She ran her hand down his arm.
    George shifted his body in an attempt to shield his stiffening manhood from her. He could not wait a year to take her to his bed. He couldn’t bear to lose her to someone else. From the way her body reacted to his slightest touch, she wouldn’t be able to wait that long either. He’d speak to her father tomorrow.

    Charlotte wouldn’t have been able to sit still even if the house had been cloaked in total darkness. Her insides were being tossed about, as if she were at sea and the waves were pummeling her. She thought she might not be able to hold down the tea and sweet rolls she had just consumed, and she placed her hand on her stomach to quell the sensation. But just in case, she cast her glance around the room in search of a container she might use. Her father’s spittoon sat in the corner. Despite the smell of it, if need be, she’d use that.
    “Do, sit, Charlotte. You’re making me dizzy with your incessant pacing.” Her mother sat quietly on the upholstered divan, her hands folded in her lap.
    “How can you be so calm, knowing George and Papa are in the library discussing my future?”
    “Because I know your father. And he knows you. If Mr. Fitzpatrick presents himself properly, your father will not voice any objection to allowing the man to continue to court you, along with all your other admirers.”
    Charlotte placed her hands on either side of her head and plopped down across from her mother. “He’s already been courting me, for God’s sake. He’d best be asking Papa for my hand in marriage right now. I’ve had enough of masking my feelings.”
    “So that’s the way of it, then? You are in love with George Fitzpatrick? After knowing the man only a few months? But what of Theodore Schoonover? You know your father and his have been making plans to merge the two businesses once you two marry. And Emma is your best friend. Perhaps you’re being too hasty.”
    “From the first moment I spied George Fitzpatrick I made up my mind. Such a rakish, vibrant young man. He’s not so tall that he has to bend in half to kiss me. And with his dark hair and lovely clear blue eyes, he’s a treasure, don’t you see? I’ve researched this decision carefully, Mother. He works at his father’s bank, is in line to take over the presidency some day, he believes in the rights of women, and he loves children. He’s absolutely perfect for me. How could I not be entranced by him?”
    “So, I’ll ask my question again. But what of Theodore Schoonover? He was a delight at dinner a week ago and is obviously interested in you. Such a fine catch, he is.”
    Charlotte controlled her response, but just barely. “I’m not as certain of his interest as you are, Mother. Emma told me he asked for a family heirloom so he can propose to Jane Weymouth.”
    “Jane Weymouth? Wasn’t she with George Fitzpatrick when we ran into them at the boat

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