Mr Blackwell: Teacher Student Romance

Free Mr Blackwell: Teacher Student Romance by S K Quinn

Book: Mr Blackwell: Teacher Student Romance by S K Quinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: S K Quinn
everything. But I wasn’t working hard tonight. I was thinking about Sophia. And here she is.
    It’s almost like my thoughts were so powerful, they conjured her up out of thin air. My brain, my body, wanted her so badly that she just had to appear. And now it’s unbearable.
    ‘I care a lot about my pupils ,’ I tell her. ‘Not teaching.’
    Sophia gives a little yawn, her hand rushing to her mouth.
    It makes me smile. How polite she is. It’s gone midnight. She’s perfectly allowed to be tired.
    ‘Tired?’ I ask her, letting her see my smile.
    She nods.
    ‘I’ll take you back to the accommodation block.’ I climb out of the car and go around to the passenger side.
    As I open the car door, I realise Sophia doesn’t have any dry shoes.
    It’s freezing outside and the paths are made of hard gravel.
    I let my eyes press themselves closed, summoning strength.
    ‘I’ll carry you,’ I tell her, darting down and pulling her into my arms.
    Her soft, slim body falls against my chest, and she looks up at me with her huge, brown eyes.
    She doesn’t say anything.
    This isn’t a time for words.
    We both feel it – the electricity between us. The way our bodies fit so well. But this can only ever be for a moment …
    I kick the car door closed and carry Sophia towards the college, feeling her watching me.
    At the accommodation block, I set Sophia down on the warm carpet.
    It’s hard letting her go.
    But I know I must let her go over and over again. Every day for as long as she studies here. That is my cross to bear.
    ‘Sleep tight,’ I say softly. I want to reach forwards. To stroke the slightly damp strand of hair from her face. To take her chin in my fingers and kiss her long and hard. It takes all my self-control to turn from her. Because every instinct tells me that she wants me to kiss her. That she’s as desperate for me as I am for her.
    As I turn to go, Sophia says, ‘Mr Blackwell?’
    The words are fast and frightened.
    I close my eyes tight. Then I let them open and I slowly turn back to her. ‘Yes?’ I breathe, the word barely a whisper.
    ‘I ... thank you,’ she says. ‘For saving me.’
    For saving me .
    The words warm my chest.
    I want to tell her that I will always save her. That she is so precious to me, I almost can’t bear the thought of her walking up the stairs alone. I want to follow her day and night. To forbid her from seeing any man – any man at all.
    But I can’t tell her that. So instead I simply murmur, ‘Don’t mention it.’ The words are thick and tight.
    Somehow, despite my best intentions, our eyes end up meeting. I suppose ‘locking’ is the word, because for a good few seconds I know neither of us can look away. Our eyes – the gateway to our souls. She sees my soul, and I see hers.
    God, she is so beautiful.
    How can she not know? How can she not see what a monster I am? If I’m seeing her, surely she can see me.
    Perhaps that’s what’s so mesmerising about her. That she’s pure and good and innocent, but really does see all of me and isn’t afraid.
    Sophia mumbles, ‘And …’
    ‘Yes?’ I reply, my voice soft, my chest aching.
    Don’t say it. Please don’t say it. Don’t ask me up to your room or anything stupid like that.
    ‘I saw a lot of light in you just now,’ Sophia says.
    Of all the things to see. When I want to defile her. Humiliate her. Take her to the dark side with me …
    This isn’t a movie. Or a fairy tale. Sophia and I can never be. And I’m glad. Sweet, innocent girls don’t fall in love with monsters.
    I manage a wry smile. ‘Then I guess I’m having an off day.’
    I stride away.

    I look down at Sophia, sleeping beside me. It’s hard to believe we finally got here. The two of us. Together. We’ve been through so much, but we made it in the end. Yet we still have challenges ahead.
    The new day is coming. And soon everyone will know that we have fallen in love.
    I go to the window and look out over the college.

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