Stealing Home

Free Stealing Home by Nicole Williams

Book: Stealing Home by Nicole Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Williams
Tags: Stealing Home
please mine as quickly and as powerfully as possible. It almost was like mine was had been built the same for him.
    Sex with Luke Archer made me question what I’d been doing with men before, because whatever that had been, it wasn’t the same. It wasn’t even in the same galaxy.
    The one downside to having that kind of sex was that I wanted to do it again. Right after.
    But we were in a bit of a condom supply crisis.
    When Luke had come out of the bathroom with a towel tied around his waist, he grabbed a twenty-dollar bill from the floor as he headed for the door to go in search of the missing contraband, and I’d barely managed to stop him.
    At least I barely had until I dropped to my knees, my mouth wrapping around him. He collapsed into the door, his mission to find a box of rubbers long forgotten.
    I’d never experienced or given so much oral in my life, but desperate times called for desperate measures, and Luke Archer’s head between my legs wasn’t exactly a poor substitute for his dick.
    This round, he’d backed me into a wall, lifted me until my legs were tangled over his shoulders, and lowered his head between my legs.
    “God, Luke,” I moaned, my back bumping against the wall as he assaulted me with his mouth. “After this . . . you need another . . .”—my fingers raked through his hair as his tongue fluttered against me—“ice and heat treatment.”
    He murmured his answer against me, making my head fall back into the wall.
    “Are you sure you don’t want a muscle relaxer or . . .”—his finger sank into me, another one joining it—“. . . or something?”
    His mouth left me just long enough to answer. “My tongue’s a muscle.” Said muscle circled a very sensitive part of my body. “Are you sure you want my muscles relaxed?” Said tongue got back to lashing across me, drawing my orgasm from deep in my body.
    “Scratch the muscle relaxers.” I sighed, my hips riding his fingers still plunging in and out of me. “Just don’t stop.”
    I could practically feel his smirk against me right before he sucked at my clit, and that was all it took. My body went rigid at the top of my orgasm right before thrusting my hips against him as he continued to work my body, not stopping until the last aftershocks of my release had long been finished.
    “Good?” he said a minute later, leaving a trail of kisses down my inner thigh.
    “Do you need an actual verbal confirmation?”
    “I’m a guy. We like verbal confirmations.”
    Running my fingers through his hair, I smiled down at him, my chest still firing from my breathing. “Then that was so much better than good, there hasn’t been a word created for what that was because so few people have experienced it.”
    He winked up at me. “Now that’s a verbal confirmation.,” he said, lifting me just enough to make untangling my shaking legs from his shoulders possible. Then he slowly slid me down the wall, maintaining his hold on me when my feet hit the floor, probably worried I’d collapse if he let go.
    Which I might have.
    “I still can’t believe you almost came up empty in the condom department.”
    Luke’s arms caged around my head, his head lowering until it was level with mine. “I wasn’t exactly expecting last night.”
    “You weren’t?” I raised a doubtful eyebrow at him.
    “Hoping, always hoping.” The corner of his mouth twitched. “But I didn’t think I’d worn you down anywhere close enough for that.”
    “So I’m easier than I seem,” I teased. “My parents would be proud.”
    He chuckled. “Thank god for that, because you had me worried we’d finally be doing it on my deathbed by the time you came around.”
    “Yeah, that condom hiding in your wallet definitely would have exceeded its shelf life by then.”
    “Although if you were ninety, I think your baby-making days would be over.”
    I made a clucking sound with my tongue, running my hands down his sides. His skin was warm, and a sheen of sweat clung to

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