Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny

Free Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny by Tempe O'Kun

Book: Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny by Tempe O'Kun Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tempe O'Kun
Tags: Fiction, furry
and that’d be it. Sorry, Mama, that just ain’t the way of it… Did, after all, warn me about the proclivities of bunnies.
    He’s on top of me now. His wing thumbs slip into the collar of my coat, feeling at the tender fur of my neck. With real gentleness, his hind paw slips one of my legs up onto the bed, paying no mind to the dust on my boot. His other one trails up my thigh, brushing against my more vulnerable regions. A chill runs through me, followed by heat. Nobody has ever touched me there. That fancy hind paw grips and slides, and now it’s my turn to whimper. His pressing and stroking is getting to feel awful nice. He’s right impressive with those hind paws. I feel the top button of my trousers come undone, then my belt buckle.
    “Jordan?” The name feels natural on my tongue, like I’ve been saying it all my life instead of just these last few months.
    He stops, looking down at me like I’m worth more than all the gold in California.
    I try to catch my breath. My chest feels tight inside. “Don’t take this as nothin’ but what it is, but I ain’t done this before.”
    “Oh.” He backs that hind paw off, bumping my nose with his. Even in the dark, I can see his soft smile. “Well, nothing says we’ve got to.” 
    I can’t help but smile too. With only a tremble’s worth of caution, I curl a paw around the nape of his neck. “I’m not sayin’ we call this shindig off; just go slow.”
    “Okay.” He kisses me tender on the lips. His tongue does that little flickering trick again, making me laugh outright.
    “Hey, now! These lips ain’t sugar candy, lawbat.” I touch a finger to his own lips.
    He kisses my fingertip, then smiles.
    His hind paws move up my legs, settling on my hips. I scoot back, pulling myself further up on the bed. He finishes unfastening my belt, unfixing the buttons of my fly, and untying the leg straps of my holsters. His wings tighten on my shoulders as his toes grip the top of my pants and push them down. I lift my rear, taking the opportunity to adjust my tail. A bit harder pulling off my boots, but we manage. I silently wish I don’t stink to high heaven, but he’s soon back on top of me. My boots and trousers drop to the floor.
    The good sheriff starts undoing my gunbelt.
    My heart skips near on three beats. I can’t even call to mind a time when I’ve been without that gunbelt. My paw curls over his own, stopping them. “Reckon I don’t need to be that naked.”
    He chuckles against my neck fur. “A gunslinger to the manner born.”
    “Glad you understand.” My heart almost beats a steady rhythm again.
    His tongue traces up my jawline to my lips. We kiss, and my heart flutters like crops in a stirring wind. He plants kisses back down my chin and throat…between the buttons of my shirt down my breasts and stomach…across the soft fur of my crotch—
    My ears spring up. “You’re gonna lick it?!”
    He looked up, ears down. “Well, yes.”
    I grip great pawfuls of the bed sheets ‘til my knuckles feel cold. “I haven’t exactly had much chance for comparison. What if there’s something off about mine?”
    He glances down, then back to me. “Looks just fine to me.” A wing eases onto my hip. “If a tad mussed.”
    Heat rushes to my ears. “You’ve been the one rubbin’ at it!”
    “Guilty as charged. Allow me to make restitution.” He plants wet kisses down the lips of my nethers. I bite my tongue to keep from crying out. His breath curls over my fur.
    I grip right through to the mattress as his tongue enters me. At first, he’s just holding steady. My muscles clench down toward it, though he’s just barely in. Warm. Soft. Wet. Then he starts to lick. Up and down. Glory be, does it feel grand. His tongue’s getting a wiggle on in there like he’s eager to explore every little inch. Around the walls of my passage, then back out around the front. The tip of it slips in between those inner and outer lips, lapping at my juices. All the

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