Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny

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Book: Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny by Tempe O'Kun Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tempe O'Kun
Tags: Fiction, furry
while, his lips are working over my nether regions, his breath chilling the fire his tongue stirs up. I grind my tail against the bed to keep from bucking into his face. He pokes into me, quick and teasing. I’m gripping against him something fierce, trying to catch that rascal of a tongue. It curls up against the top of my sopping wet burrow. Heat and that funny tension are welling up just below my belly, like ya get just before ya go off…
    He moves up, fanning my clit like the hammer of a Peacemaker. My hips jerk with every lick. My ears burn. My paws tense.
    I squeal.
    Every muscle in my body goes wild. My passage ripples in a right delicious way. I squeak and shudder like a cheap door hinge. “Ah! Aaah! AaaAAHHHHh!” I thrust so hard Blake’s nose jabs me just above the gunbelt. My toes grip his blankets, twisting them to tangles as my body flails. Even my tail twitches like mad.
    I collapse back to the bed. My innards peter off bucking like a bronco. I’m panting. Sheriff’s watching me like I might set to flopping around again. He wipes his smiling mouth. “Sheesh, bunny! You always gonna be like that?”
    “The heck should I know, lawbat?” My chest rises and falls. “Ya always gonna have a tornado for a tongue?” 
    “I’m just a fruit bat.” The flying fox curls up beside me.
    I’m still hot, but the night is cold. Breathing hard, tingly as all get out, I don’t mind so much having him next to me, even in my current state of undress and sprawling.
    He brushes a wing along my breasts. I give it a playful swat. “Don’t you get presumptions. Ah am a lady, after all.”
    “How could I forget?” He slips a wing over me. It feels like living velvet. “Am I permitted to call you ma’am from here in?”
    “Permitted for now. You’d best take occasion; won’t be happenin’ out in public.”
    “Stars forbid, ma’am.” He rubs his manly bits against my back.
    I nestle back against him. “A true gentleman.”
    We rest for a moment, wrapped up in each other’s arms. The night is quiet, only the sound of wind and sand against the walls.

    Lawbat’s got a glass chin.
      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    The morning light seeps in through his curtains. I wake up, startled a bit by the wings around me— never woken up in a man’s embrace before. Once I get over the shock, I let go of my guns and enjoy it. He’s a right pretty bat, now that there’s light. Still asleep, his mouth’s open just a little ways, showing that pink tongue I’m getting so keen on.
    The hell am I doing, getting keen on bits of him? He’s just some fella. So happens that he’s right nice for a cuddle, sure, but that don’t mean a thing. Folk do far more without batting an eye. Besides, the bat’s daft. Worse than just going along with the way of things, he’s dead set on keeping things as they are, on arresting folk like me. Not someone this bun can afford to cotton to, even if his manly parts were rather diverting to fiddle with. I think back to last night and the gropes and glances I got in the moonlight. Curse me six ways from sorry, but I have always been the curious sort…
    I lift up his wing. His penis retracted at some point in the night. Turns out I was right: it does work like a stallion’s. I giggle at the thought of saddling my lawbat up for a ride.
    He stirs. Those brown eyes open just a bit. He smiles at me. “Morning.”
    Fur hot at being caught peeking, I touch my nose to his before I can stop myself. “Mornin’, lawbat.”
    “Some’d consider it rude to laugh at a fella when he’s not decent.”
    I make a show of looking down again. “Oh, you look plenty decent to me.”
    He is right adorable when he blushes.
    “So…” I clear my throat. “Are all fellas fitted out like you?”
    “Uhh… Well, everybody’s born different, just like with everything. Based on species, of course. But yeah, they all work about the same.”
    I laugh at the flustered fruit bat. He does, too, and runs a paw along

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