Christmas Conspiracy

Free Christmas Conspiracy by Robin Perini

Book: Christmas Conspiracy by Robin Perini Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Perini
Tags: Suspense
    Logan stilled in recognition. “Karofsky. Three years ago.”
    “You cost him millions when you took down the Uzbekistan arm of his operation.”
    “His son ran things. He was killed.”
    “You almost died,” Rafe said. “You had no choice.”
    “Is Victor after my family?” Logan whispered. “Does he want Kat dead?”
    “It fits. The blood from the guy you shot at the barn matches evidence at the babysitter’s murder scene. We don’t have a name. Whoever he is, he likes knives and has used them before. Just Victor’s type. One slice across the throat.”
    “Dammit, I gave her money and told her to get out of there. Why didn’t she run?”
    “Your envelope was still in her purse, but get this. Several thousand dollars were direct deposited into her account yesterday, a few hours before she was killed.”
    Logan cursed. “Someone must have paid Paulina to put the transmitter in Hayden’s fire engine. No one else had the opportunity.”
    “No. That just can’t be true.” Kat’s harsh whisper erupted. “It can’t.”
    Logan spun around.
    Kat stood at the top of the stairs, her gaze pained. “Paulina wouldn’t betray us like that.”
    Logan strode down the hallway toward Kat and she met him partway. “I’m sorry, but there’s no doubt her killer was the shooter from the ranch. Nothing else fits.”
    Kat swayed as the truth of the betrayal hit, and Logan slid an arm around her. She leaned into him.
    “Tell Zane to get me a visual on whoever deposited that money into Paulina’s account,” Logan ordered Rafe. “If he can’t, get a financial forensic expert to track the money back.”
    “Got it.”
    “I want the tactical team in the situation room at dawn, with Hunter on video conference. We’ll be bringing in more men to guard here. Also, find out if Noah Bradford is still in Europe. We may need to tap him for information on Victor’s latest dealings with terrorist organizations.”
    “Terrorists?” Kat blanched. “We have terrorists after us?”
    “My cue to leave.” Rafe disappeared down the hall.
    Kat searched Logan’s face. “I don’t understand.”
    “I’m making some assumptions,” he said. “We’ll know more soon. In the meantime, the kids are asleep and safe.” He drew Kat against his chest, holding her tightly to him.
    “I need to see them.”
    Logan nodded, then eased open their door showing her the room Rafe and his men had created. A small night-light glowed, illuminating the twins, who were sound asleep, cuddled beneath the covers.
    She looked around. “You did this for them?” She gazed up into Logan’s eyes, stunned. “How?”
    “It’s one of the perks of not going it alone. Others help you. Get used to it. You’re not struggling by yourself anymore.”
    Tears filled her eyes, surprising Logan, but he was even more shocked when she rose on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek.
    “Thank you.”
    Exhaustion laced her eyes, but something else shone there. Uncertainty. Yearning? It struck him that for the first time, he and Kat were standing together, as parents, watching their children sleep under his roof. Something shifted deep inside him, breaking down defenses he’d thought unassailable. A protectiveness surged, stronger than he’d ever felt. He wanted her with him. He didn’t want her to leave. The sting at the back of his eyes stunned him.
    He didn’t say a word, just led Kat into his bedroom.
    She hesitated in the doorway.
    “Stay with me tonight.”
    She glanced around nervously. Her gaze locked on the baby monitor beside the bed. She bit her lip.
    “They’re right down the hall,” he said softly. “We won’t do anything but sleep. Just stay. Let me hold you and protect you.”
    Fatigue must have weighed her down, because her shoulders sagged and she nodded.
    The next minute she was in his arms.
    He kicked the door shut and latched it, then stood, simply cradling her against him.
    “I’m afraid, Logan, and I

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